
Monday, June 3, 2013

Very few seams.....

I added 2 rounds of orange to the yellow piece I started Sat. night.  It is about a mug rug size right now.  My plan (I think) is to put all of the colors of the rainbow around it.
I don't have a cat (or cats) but this was the scene outside my kitchen window yesterday morning.  The black and white cat and the gray cat are large and go through my yard quite often.  I think they are males.  The black cat is new to my yard this past week and I suspect it is a female.  When I left for church the 2 males were in my front yard hissing at each other.  Later in the afternoon the black and white one was in the flower bed outside my picture window and he had blood on his face so I knew they had fought.  I want them to leave so my birds can come back to the feeders.


  1. We've got a cat hanging around our place too. And it digs in my gardens. Frustrating.

  2. Love the colors in your little mug rug quilt and am looking forward to seeing the other colors around it.

  3. Get the hose out and chase them away. I wish people would fix their cats!

  4. Love those juicy oranges, so sparkling! Can't wait to see more additions. I took a class at a quilt show in Rochester, NY yesterday doing the Big Leaf with Pat Pauly,, and my head was spinning trying to choose colors. None of it got sewed together and I put it on my design wall when I got home. I thought you would have already had it done!

  5. I have not had a cat in years but constantly have cats wandering through my yard and the woods. Most run as soon as I yell out the window to them or open a door but they do get annoying at times. Especially when we put out bird feeders because we like to watch the birds!

  6. Looking forward to some rainbows....put your sprinklers on to deter the cats

  7. Ah! I love what you are doing with the bit of sunshine!

  8. I don't like cats. There are a couple that wander the neighbor hood. I chase them out of the yard whenever I see them. Since there is a wooded area behind my house I am sure they go there to hunt. I love the way the gray dotted zig zag quilt turned out!

  9. I'd say there was a female in heat if you have new cats hanging around.

  10. I would not be happy to have a cat or two in my yard either.

    The yellows/oranges look great together. I can't wait to see the additional rounds.

  11. I enjoy hearing what your thoughts are for adding to a piece. A bit of a tease to 'tune in tomorrow'.

    CATS ! ! ! Chase them away soon as you read this...


  12. Moth balls!

    The birds might not be too crazy about them, either, but they will keep the cats (and other varmints) away!

  13. Like your sunshiny mug rug. I think to keep the cats away you need a dog.... :)

  14. I like your plans for the sunshine mug rug.
    My grandchildren's cats like to sit directly underneath the bird feeder. Oh no.

  15. Like one commenter said, "Love those juicy oranges!!"

  16. Time to get the hose out and do a little squirting on those cats! The house across the street from us has three cats, and they love to sit in the middle of the road and stare at our house, making our dog Rosey throw barking fits. Those cats know exactly what they are doing!

  17. What a sunny little mug rug. For someone without cats, there sure are a lot in your yard.

  18. Use the hose or a water pistol to wet them and they won't come back. It won't hurt them, just upset them.

  19. Being a cat person, I am sorry that they are a bother. It is sad that their owners do not seem to take better care of them!



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