
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My day..........

I was feeling a little frazzled yesterday with the Florida heat and humidity here in IL.  It was a long day of pricing (with the help of a friend) and marking.

After a spa treatment I was feeling a little better so I sat in my favorite chair and read my book.

Can you believe that neither my children nor my grandchildren want these little pals as part of their inheritance?  I'm not ready to part with them yet.......unless a collector comes by and offers me more than I paid for them.  These are from the 1990 vintage.


  1. They are so cute. Go girl!!!
    So glad you treated yourself to a relax day!

  2. I remember them from the 60's. My cousin had them in all sizes. Be careful in the heat. Chris

  3. I still have mine too! Your photos made me smile this morning...have a great garage sale!

  4. Wow, what a blast from the past. I had a set of them in the 60s. My sister and I had three; my parents thought more than that was ridiculous. I still remember their names. Back then we had to make their clothes out of scraps and make any accessories, which was fun and probably helped my creative urges as I was not allowed to have art lessons. Art was cut during my elementary years due to overcrowding in the 60s. What a flood of memories these trolls unleash!

  5. I love them! What a great way to tell your story.

  6. I love the one with the mudpack and little pink bathrobe! a smiler for sure!

  7. Too cute! Glad you treated yourself. Have a great garage sale.

  8. Thanks for making me smile this morning! At least you haven't lost your sense of humour in all this stickiness. We are experiencing the heat and humidity here too. Hope your garage sale goes well.

  9. Love the ones with the buck teeth. We used to have a bunch of these but the kids cut their hair and then they were just ugly.

  10. What a fun post! Those trolls are nostalgia. Why not try eBay? That's where collectors look for those things!

  11. Those are cute. I remember them.
    I hope your garage sale goes well. Shame it must go toward taxes. You could use a little vacation.

  12. That was an adorable post. Your sense of humor is wonderful. I always start my day with your blog to see what you are up to.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. The trolls are a hoot! I never had any myself, but I can see how after you would buy one you would have to buy another and another ...

    Yesterday it was 92 here in NE Ohio. It is cooler with the rain we had last night, but still sticky.

  14. I loved my trolls when I was a kid. I think it was the only doll that I ever liked.

  15. I can remember having these in junior high. So cute! There were big ones too,some taller than barbie. cool. Martha mumaw

  16. What a fabulous post to read! Those trolls are too funny! I wouldn't want to part with them either - they are huge smile-inducing cuties!

  17. They are so ugly, they are cute and make me smile. I forgot all about them. I know my girls had one or two of these growing up. These past few days of jogging our happy memories has been a treat. Thank you for the show!


  18. OMG!!! I used to have a two-headed troll doll. One head with pink hair and the other head with bright yellow. I don't have a clue where that thing went. I loved it!

  19. What fun! I remember collecting troll dolls as a kid in the 60's. They're long gone now.

  20. You are certainly unearthing a lot of treasures. Hope your garage sale brings in lots and lots of money for you. Love your use of the dolls to tell the story of your day. Cuteness!

  21. Adorable :-) I remember playing with those :-) I have one of them with cool pink hair! Too Cute! Stay safe in the storms.. Happy Quilting!

  22. GO STARS, you are a no reply blogger. You need to email me directly, link on my profile page and another on my right side bar.

  23. Too funny, Wanda - made my day! Best of luck with your sale.

  24. That is way too cute! I remember those!!!! Love the post!!

  25. Love your posting! I love that you have a troll collection. Sorry about the icky heat and humidity. Hope it's comfortable in the basement, at least.

  26. They are so adorable. I would hang on to them too.

  27. Omigosh . . . I had trolls galore. LOVE them!

  28. I loved reading this post today. Each day I look forward to reading your blog. It's a bright spot in my day. These little trolls are worth keeping. I can't believe no one in your family wants them. Hold on to them for a while longer. There may yet be a young relative that will treasure them.

    Even if you have green skin and pink hair, a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eyes goes a long way to cheer up everyone around you.


  29. Don't remember owning a troll but sure remember seeing them. Loved the way you used them in your story. You should have a fabulous garage sale-wish I lived in your neighborhood-for the garage sale, not the humidity.

  30. Fun post! I feel like your first "portrait" most of the time.
    You never know who is reading your post... you might find a buyer.
    Good Luck,

  31. A friend of mine just gave me a couple of yards of fabric with these trolls on it. What am I going to do with it???

  32. What a great start to the day seeing your collection of these trolls!

  33. Pay toll to the troll, that was what we used to say when we were kids, these are so cute!

  34. I know what you mean. I have dolls that are 61 and 62 years old. I have almost all of my dolls and most of my daughters. I have one daughter and one granddaughter. No one will want them, but I can not part with them!


  35. How funny!!! Love the spa treatment. LOL Somewhere in my house I have a frog with half a finger that I named "Grease Pit". I found him at a car repair shop. I don't think my kids would like him either but I am sure my niece would like your trolls as she has a bunch of them. I hope a collector comes around and gives you all that you want for them. LOL

  36. this is quit amazing, you started in a big

  37. They will come to their senses one of these days. I love them. I have a Magician troll that holds a removable rabbit. My GS loves it but I won't let him play with it-- it is my toy... Maybe when he is older.

    Love yours, especially the Spa one

  38. Love them! sadly no one wants my garden gnome collection either. Go figure.


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