
Friday, May 31, 2013

Where are the finishes?...........

I meant well, thought I would finish several pieces in May.  I quilted one and still haven't put the binding on.  I finished sewing this one together last night (57" x 68"), so one quilted, one top sewn together.  I'm still tearing paper out of the Stepping Stones quilt blocks.  Well, I still have today left to get something done.  My book is too good and I can't put it down so that is one reason. 


  1. I think you've accomplished enough. What a quilt!
    It's good to read and relax sometimes.

  2. No finishes, but you still accomplished much more than I did!

  3. Don't forget, all that gardening takes time! And didn't you do all that charity sewing? Sewn together the quilt looks great, can't wait to see how you are going to bind it.

  4. Love the pinwheel quilt.m what book are you reading? Hugs.

  5. I get that way with books all the time!

  6. It is stunning! I have switched to audio books-that way I can sew while I listen-but I am so slow I need too! You are a speedster that gets more accomplished than anyone I follow!

  7. LOVE all the movement in this one!

  8. This is one Exciting, EXUBERANT, Energetic, quilt top. Fabrics and design are just exploding off the screen. It is MY current favorite !

    As the other commenters... reminded you... we remember all the other projects that you created and made this month... not to mention all your spring yard work.


  9. Finishes will come in their own sweet time!

  10. Wow! That is a stunning quilt top! It's easy to get lost just looking at it!

  11. We all do need "time out" work so today, it was 72 degrees at 7 am! Phew--too hot for me...and humid. Inside in air is the way to sew!! have a cool weekend..julierose

  12. I have several non-finishes for May too! I am going to refocus my efforts in June - no messin' about for me! I just have to get over being tired and accomplish something. This pinwheel quilt is great!!!!!

  13. I love this quilt! To heck with finishes, you do more in one day than I do in a week sometimes. Your site is so inspiring when I need a jolt!

  14. This quilt is stunning. I never would have thought to put those fabrics together. When I first looked at it today I thought of crop circles. Good books are definitely hard to put down:)
    Laura T

  15. Your much too hard on yourself. You do more than anyone I know. Be kind to yourself and read that book. What's the name of the book? Alice

  16. OK. What is so good you can't put it down. I have tried a few new authors lately on my flights to and from Baltimore.

  17. This pinwheel quilt is the perfect marriage of color and pattern! The temperature is just right these days for sleeping under your zig-zag quilt.

  18. I did not do any thing in May, either. May not in June! that is sad!


  19. This quilt is great. I like all the movement, and of course the colors.


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