
Thursday, May 23, 2013

The blues...........

I sewed eighteen more 16 patch blocks last night, two each of the nine you see here.  I also sewed the 5 pinwheel blocks which I cut a couple days ago but I haven't put them on the design wall yet.
I dug out 3 hostas yesterday that would be in the way for the installers when I get my combination storm/screens for my 3 studio windows.  Then I dug out a few that were too crowded in another flower bed and replanted the smaller ones spaced farther apart.  I planted one big one in a different bed.  I'll take a vacation from digging now for a couple days.  It's only supposed to be in the 50s today so I'll stay inside and sew.


  1. Looks like you are on a roll. After this weekend I need me time and plan doing the same. Chris

  2. Wow, I'm amazed that besides the pinwheel blocks you can sew 18 other blocks in one night!

  3. I need to decide what to do about my iris's I think they all need to be dug up and spaced further apart, the bed is getting too crowded and I had very little flowers this year - probably I should wait until fall though - I might want to totally redo that flower bed. I will think about it today.

  4. I am loving these blues!


  5. i love hostas but alas i have real shady places to put them...

  6. Love the blue and purple combo.

  7. You know, Wanda, I sometimes get exhausted just by reading your blog. I'm constantly amazed at how much you accomplish every day. Loving the blue "lividly cooling" 16 patch. :)

  8. I'm glad you are dabbling "in the blues"...:) The purple/blue combo is exquisite!

  9. Happy stitching (and I'm glad you are taking a break from digging - that's HARD work!)

  10. I'm absolutely loving these blues! It is going to be a wonderfully peaceful quilt!

  11. This last set of blocks are so pretty. Blue is my favorite color, and I have never seen so many different lovely shades.

    Today was a day with sunshine, it was not predicted so a nice surprise. I got all my whiskey barrel containers planted with marigolds and lobelia. Now they tell us it is to dip down to 35 degrees tonight. I hope no colder, those marigolds can't take freezing temps.


  12. We would enjoy the 50's! THe 80's just seem too hot and I am not looking forward to triple digits!



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