
Friday, May 10, 2013


The day started out OK, talking with friends at our twice monthly sewing session.  I took my yo-yo makers along again and made 15 new ones.  NO plan in mind, just busy work.

Last night I spent over 2 hours trying to put my Boston Commons tutorial in my blog.  I used to be able to copy a Word document and paste it into my post.  With the new version of Word, none of the photos are there.  That means I will have to put in each photo and resize it all over again.  I tried Windows Live Writer, same thing, no photos.  I can't figure out any way to attach a PDF file to my blog either.  It makes me wish I didn't create it in Word.  Can anyone help me?  I don't know a thing about HTML so I can't do it that way.

My other frustration, more commenters that are NO REPLY.
I hate to tell all of you that are using Google + that you are NO REPLY.  Also a bunch more of you have a Blogger accounts but you have not checked the box by Show my Email, and then scroll down and SAVE.  Why am I telling you this?  Because you are signing up for giveaways on lots of blogs and you will never have a chance of winning because you can't be contacted.  I feel bad about this.  I want you to have a chance.  Seven more NO REPLY people today with no email in their comment.  Giveaway ends tonight at 10 p.m CST.  See post from 2 days ago if you haven't entered.


  1. Wanda,
    here are directions to host a pdf on Google docs - then put a link on the blog.

    Or if you want, you can send it to me and I will put it on Google Docs for you and send you the link.
    It may be tomorrow morning before I get it done, due to work and appointments, but I will be happy to do it.

  2. Hi Wanda, Which version of Windows do you have and which of Office? You might already have a way to convert the Word doc to a pdf on your computer.

  3. I have used Google Documents to store PDFs that can be accessed by my readers successfully. You get there through Google Drive which is in the navigation bar on your Google account. You can set the access to the document as private or public. Then link the URL to your post. You can see how it works in this post
    I have 3 links in it because I didn't get around to merging the 3 PDFs into just one. Still haven't learned that step but it can be done.
    Hope this helps.
    I've been reading you daily for several years BTW, I just don't comment much. You are a great inspiration to me!

  4. What Gene said is good, too. A lot of people use google docs, if you already have it in PDF form.

  5. I have no experience with Word, so I can't help there. I did manage to attach PDF file a while back by linking to google documents. Google documents has changed and now provides a way to create the document on line, save to "their drive" and have others access it. I'm not sure if this is what you need, but you might check it out.

  6. hi Bev,
    You can also use Scribd - it's free and it will convert to pdf, if you want to. Word 2007 and higher (maybe 2003, can't remember) will convert a file to a pdf. Look under File-Save As - and then save it as a pdf. It SHOULD retain all formatting and pictures, which can then be attached in your blog. Hope this helps. Lisa (email me if you have troubles -

  7. well I'm glad others have left you some instructions because I am hopeless with things like that!

  8. Sorry I can't help you with your problem, glad others are proficient at the how tos. I deleted my Google plus. I am hoping that now my e-maul shows. I went into my Blogger account and it says it should. Thank-you for taking the time to let me know. Elaine

  9. Sorry you got so frustrated, I understand completely. I hate days like that, such a waste of good time. Love your yoyos. Hope you have a better day today.

  10. I LOVE those yo yos. Sorry that I cannot help with the computer, but I am sure someone will be able to help you.

  11. Wanda - not sure which version of WORD you are using, but there are multiple ways to paste (text only, merge formatting, paste special, etc.). Check and see which options your version allows - I know there is one that keeps the photos - the others don't.

  12. I've never tried to copy/paste both pictures and photos from Word, so your frustration is providing a helpful learning experience for me. If you find a workable solution, please share. Good luck on a much better day!

  13. Oh Wanda, I love you for your crusade against No Reply comments, but I think you're banging your head against a wall. :)

    Not sure why the new Word wouldn't copy photos... maybe it was too much for the clipboard to handle? Did you try cutting and pasting in pieces? I've never tried to paste from Word, but I know it's can be a finicky, frustrating beast. You have my sympathy!

  14. I use that "paste special" to make sure I get the graphics when I save something to put into Word, or any other program like that really.

    I don't have Google docs, but when someone posts something there, I am easily able to d/l it, so that would work for everyone, I think.

  15. Thank you for working so hard on the tutorials. I'm glad I didn't sign up for Google+ now.

  16. Hi Wanda,
    i had no idea i had Google+. I didnt even realize i had regular google as well. So I checked it out and lo and behold -- So i dug out my old password, figured out what you meant by a "dashboard" and fixed the problem!!! Thank you for your patience and help. You are WANDERFUL.

  17. I hope that this time I fixed it, too!! I reverted to the blogger profile, I didn't realize that I had changed to google+, we'll see if that helps at all!!

    I hope you can get your tutorial up and going, I am always amazed at how much you get done!

    Lisa Shenk

    lshenkx4 at yahoo dot com

  18. Gotta love those hand dyed fabrics--so yummy. thanks for the opportunity...Julierose

  19. yea, been there done that on the google +. Not going back.

  20. I am assuming that I am not a no reply commenter.



I will reply to all comments WITH A LINK. If you are anonymous or a Blogger account without your email enabled I can not reach you to reply.

There is an EMAIL address on my right sidebar if you have a question and you do not have a link.