
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rain, rain, go away............

Looking to the north from my kitchen window, the corner of my yard and the neighbor's garage.
Looking at my south neighbor's back yard.  They are comparing this to the 100 year rain we got in 1996.  I am nowhere near any creek or river and I live on the high end of town.  There was 4-6" of rain in the last 24 hours on top of the several days of rain we had already had. isn't over, still raining but gentle rain at the moment.
I had water in my basement from the window wells. Because of my medical problems last fall I didn't have the gutters cleaned out so the rain comes straight off the roof like a waterfall and filled the window wells which then leak into the basement.  I am sopping up, spinning out, drying, and then repeat, repeat.  I'm sure the people on the south end of town might have more problems than I have.  Mine is just large puddles, not standing water.  Lots of soaked up area rugs that I will have to decide if I can salvage.


  1. Oh big bummer! I'd just like a brief shower to wash away the pollen.

  2. Not fun. We have had rain here but just a little and we needed it.

  3. And that storm is heading directly for our area later today and overnight. Stay safe!!

  4. Same deal rain-wise here in St. Louis. From drought conditions a few months back to talk of flooding now. Good day to sew.

  5. christijowinter933@yahoo.comApril 18, 2013 at 12:18 PM

    Getting caught up on my blog reading today and saw your post with the yo-yo's. I'm curious--what do you plan to do with them? I carted around a whole Ziploc bag of blue yo-yo's for years that I was going to use to make a vest, but I ended up giving the bag away to Goodwill. Figured if I hadn't done anything with them in 20 years, I was unlikely to. Perhaps if I'd made them out of the beautiful colors that you did, I would've found a way to use them.

  6. Oh, no Wanda! I am so sorry. We've been through flooding here more than once and it's no fun at all. We're supposed to get rain today, but we need it. Hope yours stops!

  7. We have had about 11inches in 72 hours here. Jeff has been taking a running total. Good luck with drying out.

  8. Wanda! Man. Sorry to read this but glad you shared so we know what's going on there. Keep us posted and take care.

  9. Oh, Wanda! I hope the rain stops soon and you can get back to quilting instead of mopping up!

  10. we got 6+ inches in the same time period too here in Il. our town is isolated at the moment...water over roads leading out of town . water over bridges...havent seen this since 1979...its a you have just water to the drain from seepage..more fortunate than others...

  11. OMG ! OMG ! OMG ! We don't get that much in a year. My thoughts are with you as you are mopping up. Just unbelievable.


  12. (((Wanda))) I am so sorry this is happening to you.

  13. So sorry Wanda...I know from experience how bad water can be when it is where it should not be. Hopefully it will stop tonight as predicted and the leaking will end before it hits your studio.

  14. You are really getting the rain! We have had some and have almost broken the drought!


  15. I have relatives in Irondale, MO who have already bailed out there basement before this storm even started. Also have family in IL right across the Mississippi from St. Louis. Will be interesting to see what happens there.

  16. My sister lives in a Chicago suburb & is having the same problem with water in the basement. But she is trying to keep ahead of it. What a pain! I hope it has stopped by now.

  17. So sorry to hear about the water in the basement. What a pain!

  18. So sorry to hear about your flooding. I hope the rain is easing off - I know you need moisture, but it certainly works better if it doesn' come all at once. You and your neighbors are in my thoughts today. It's been a tough week all around.

    Love the batiks! Of course. I love Wanda-stuff.

  19. Sorry to hear about your water problems but I know exactly what you are talking about as I have the same type of problem. Last fall my son put on gutter guards and it worked. I don't have any water this time. I was almost afraid to walk downstairs to check but finally got up the courage and then felt the carpeting and it was dry. I said a silent "Yahoo"!! When I have had water in my basements I alway get a memory flashback of my favorite trading cards in a wooden cigar box floating in water and then into the garbage. All those years of collecting and trading down the tube. It is sad for those that lose photos and wonderful keepsakes


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