
Thursday, April 4, 2013


You might have already figured out that the fabrics I showed yesterday would be sewn in a strata.  I sewed 2 of them last night and have 3 to go.  This will create 2 quilts at the same time.  More tomorrow........
I'm not getting as much sewing done because I am back to reading.  I walked to the library yesterday to renew one and pick up the next in line.  The grocery store, post office and library are all within 8 blocks from my house.  I can't get motivated to walk without a destination so as long as I keep reading, the library can be one of my destinations.


  1. I love that strata of colors!
    Sometimes it's good to take some time away from what you do. Getting out is good too. I enjoy her books.

  2. We worked on taking out a bush yesterday. It was a day to be outside. I plan on trying to wash my picture window today so I can be outside. Love the strata sewing. Looks like your keeping busy. Chris

  3. And as long as Sara Paretsky keeps writing books.... love 'em. Great that you do walk -- we all would be better off if we walked with purpose each day.

  4. When I saw your fabrics yesterday, I thought berry colors.....from blueberries to strawberries. Love them all and I am watching with interest on your progress.

  5. I actually enjoy walking. Two co-workers and I walk almost every work day before work. I think it gets our day started with a clear head.

  6. Loving the colors of the strata you pulled together. Will you be making another Fractured Star quilt?

  7. Wanda, can't wait to see how this turns out ! Anxious to try this pattern and have been hoping you would do it soon .

  8. Your strata looks scrumptious! Can't wait to see what it grows into, and now you've given me another author to try.

  9. Today would be a great day for a walk. I believe that Spring is finally here.

  10. Your use of color is scrumptious as usual! Love Paretsky's writing... just finished reading "Breakdown" and think it is one of her best since "Blacklist".

  11. It is hard to find time for every thing we love to do!


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