
Monday, April 15, 2013

First signs of spring.......

This is a pretty sad spring photo but it is the first sign of blooms around here.  It is the forsythia bush outside my kitchen window.  There aren't many buds and I wonder if the birds have been eating them.  This is their favorite roosting spot after they have been to the feeder and on windy days for shelter.  Last year at this time I was already picking bouquets of violets.
Yesterday I finished cleaning the basement and baking cookies for the art quilters who are coming today.  Later in the day I sewed 2 small stratas to use for demonstration purposes. 


  1. I think spring has finally arrived here too although the temperatures have been crazy! Sunday the temps were just perfect for spring. We are suppose to get rain Tuesday thru Friday this week.

  2. the first signs of spring are always so busy, I'm constantly scanning the yard for them and so happy when I see them. I don't know how I would deal with the long winters that you have and so glad that my winters are short.

  3. It's such a late start to spring for you folks.

    The stratas look wonderful.

  4. I've had tulips in April, but it snowed here yesterday. What crazy weather all over the world! But spring will come -- it always has!

  5. These colours are gorgeous - can't wait to see what you do with them

  6. It has been spring and almost summer here this week, but we are expecting winter on Thursday!



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