
Friday, April 26, 2013

Busy day.......

Yesterday was a busy day, a social day, and errand day.  I ran errands early in the morning, then went to the former quilt shop classroom for a gathering of quilters.  They meet 2 Thursdays a month.  I took my yo-yo makers both times this month because I don't take the time to make them at home.  We had good greasy pizza with double cheese for lunch.  Then I headed home for a visit from the interim pastor from my church.  He wants to chat with each of us one on one to really get to know the congregation.
Next I went to visit my dad and pay his next month's room and board.  He is in fantasy land in his conversations but he remembered he comes from a family of 5 kids and when I mentioned his sister that passed away in her 20s he told me her name.  He has some memories still intact.  Last night I pieced 4 more blocks.  I'm not sure these 3 belong together in one group.  I thought I needed to plan out the colors for the whole quilt but I realize now I still can shuffle the blocks around after they are all pieced.
I sewed one section in the next group of 3 and chose fabrics for the other 2.  I think I have less than a third of the blocks done so far.  I'm enjoying the process on this one and there is very little waste of fabric when trimming after each piece is sewn in place.
I also finished one more of the diagonal dish cloths.  My plan is to machine embroider a dish towel to go with each dish cloth for the service project.  I need to find out how many apartments there are at the mission so I can plan ahead and have it all done by Christmas.


  1. My goodmess you had a busy day yesterday! I talked to my dad Tuesday and he admitted he is starting to lose his memory. He just turned 85 and still lives by himself and - hang on - drives! The blocks and dishcloths are coming along great! Love all the colors in both. Have a great weekend!

  2. I am sure the Stepping Stones quilt will be lovely, bright and exuberant!
    Those dish cloths are looking good too. I need to do something with my yo-yo project. Ha ha.

  3. Wow, you have been busy! Lovely stuff, especially the quilt blocks. I love the cotton dish cloths. My aunt used to give us bags full of them, and so I still have several new ones that haven't been used. My dad's seems to be in fantasy land most days, too... he's always asking me about the farm -his brother bought him out in 1955 and he hasn't farmed since, but he is worried about who is planting the corn. Have a great day! :)

  4. I bought a set of yo-yo makers last fall, but have not started making them yet. I think I would enjoy making them if I had a long term project in mind. My dishcloth pattern is very similar to the one you show in this post,

  5. What a nice idea-the embroidered dish towels to match the cloths. The quilt blocks are moving right along-lovely.

  6. you have been busy. Those blocks are looking really good.

  7. I love those blocks! Paper piecing is fun, huh? I should try these some time. Hopefully, your Friday will be a little calmer!

  8. I am happy to see that you are just enjoying the process. Have a nice relaxing weekend.

  9. You get so much done in a day!! I'm enjoying watching the stones develop.

  10. I make yoyos quite often. They're easy and quick. I've got a huge box of them in various sizes. Haven't decided what to do with them yet - thinking a huge queen-size bed cover or perhaps a table cover. My mom has one that her mother made and it makes a lovely table cover.

  11. I love your blocks. Fun watching this one develop. Love the dishcloth and yarn. Had not thought about matching dish towels. That's a good idea.

  12. You are one busy lady...memories are a remarkable thing...I'm glad you dad still has some of his.

  13. I understand how hard it is with your Dad, It is wonderful when his reality connects with yours. Cherish those times. My Father in Law forgot his son unless I was with him and then he connected, I learned more about the California Sugar Beet farming than I really wanted to know. That was the time warp his mind was in,

  14. Those blocks are all wonderful. It's going to be fun to see them up on your design wall when you get to that point.
    What are you making with the yo-yos?


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