
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Super sale.............

One of my errands yesterday was to stop at Michael's and see if they had any different colors of yarn for the knitted dish cloths.  Wow, was I surprised when it was on sale for 97 cents a ball.  It is usually $1.99 there.  The lady that worked there said it is the lowest price they have ever offered it for.  The sale goes on through Saturday so you all have a chance at it too. 
This is why dye lot matters.  Both of these were from balls marked as Gumdrop.  The one on the right is my favorite.  I sure hope they make that coloration again in the future.
Did you know you can make a funky zig zag with Kansas Dugout blocks? 
When I looked out in the backyard last night I saw 3 bunnies.  Now that means trouble = more baby bunnies.  One of them was chasing another one and the third was more interested in the bird seed under the feeder.


  1. One bunny means 4 more some time soon. I have even bought the same dye lot and started knitting with it and it was different.Good light when buying helps too. Chris

  2. I had my daughter pick up 10 balls of yarn yesterday, for me, at her Michaels. The cheapest around here is $2.29.

  3. I discovered the sale on cotton yarn at Michaels yesterday by accident. I already thought the 1.97 price was low, and grabbed a couple of skeins. Then when I got to the register and found they were only .97, I was pleasantly surprised.

    I'll be going back before Saturday.

  4. Wow, that is quite a difference in one dye lot

  5. what a difference a dye lot makes! I haven't seen near as many rabbits around as I still see my squirrels which drive me nuts as they battle for the bird feeder. Oh well I don't feed the birds all summer long on such a regular schedule as I do in the cold months - the squirrels will go back to their trees soon.

  6. How do you make the Kansas Dugout blocks? Do you strip sew and then cut the pieces on the diagonal? Just asking because I cannot sew triangles without getting them distorted sewing on the bias. If there was a way to sew strips, then cut the block, I could make this great block.

  7. Wow...that is a great deal. You do have to be so careful about dye lots if the yarn has to match. I have learned the hard way!

    Ah, yes, more bunnies on the way. We have a bunch of new ones in the yard right now. The hawk nest in our neighbors tree does not seem to be making any difference yet.

  8. I used to knit before I discovered quilting, was never too interested in it though. I have most of Mary Ellen Hopkins' books, including the Kansas dugout one. What ever happened to her, anyway???

  9. Those are some funky blocks - love them! I haven't seen any baby bunnies yet this spring. A couple of years ago I had two in the front yard and they were playing a game or something. The one would run at the other one and when the running bunny got to sitting bunny, the sitting bunny would jump so the running bunny would run right under him. I was suprised when I saw them repeat this several times. I wish I could have taken a movie of it, because it was fun to watch.

  10. Oh, I just went to Michael's last Saturday and bought a skein for $1.97. Thanks for the tip! I'll go back for sure!

  11. I'm visit Michael's today! Thanks for the FYI. I working on a potholder using a ball of yarn like the one on the left in your picture. It makes pretty strips. So soft with a country look.
    I love the Kansas Dugout blocks. Are they 5" squares with 2.5" squares on two corners? I can see me making a pretty scrappy quilt of these.

  12. Sugar and Spice is what I called he Lily yarn the other day. Oh well I was kind of close to Sugar and Cream (*._,*) and I lots skeins of it in my stash. But that is a great price and will have to check it out also.

    Another new name to me... "Kansas Dugout". They sure are pretty.

    Sandwich has become quite a haven for wild critters. My sister tells me they have had coons and possums under their feeder this winter. Real pests that is for sure.


  13. Wow! I just paid $2.39 on sale at Joann's!!! Michael's is too far away for me, but I'd love to take advantage of that sale! I've never heard them called Kansas Dugout blocks - I'm making a bunch of them for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year, and a zig zag would be cool in rainbow colors!

  14. You are going to have a run on bunnies. I rarely see any out here. The coyotes seem to take control of them. I saw my first in 5 years last year.

    Thanks for the info on the yarn. I will go to Michaels and pick up a few. I bought 1 in Meijer yesterday and it was $1.79 and glad I didn't pick up more.

  15. Kansas Dugout . . . thanks for sharing that!!

  16. I just went and looked up the Kansas Duguot block -- quite like the method for the Toran block that Sujata shared (the one I'm using for my Party Hat Optional project). Hmmm - perhaps a few KD blocks will sneak into my mix!

  17. I would like to know more about your kanas dugout blocks too, can you put in more detail about them, it looks like a good way to deal with scraps. I do one similiar but in 6.5 blocks and then add 1.5 insert .......

  18. Don't want rabbits in my yard to eat my veggies, and I don't really want kitchen stuff, but I am digging the blocks from Kansas Dugout. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I will tell my friend. We were just discussing knitted dis cloths tonight!



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