
Friday, March 22, 2013

4 more blocks.......

Here are the 4 blocks I made yesterday.  I wasn't sure if they were all going to work but then I went down to the basement to press them and put all of them up on a big design wall...........
After I got them up on the wall and took the photo I tried to figure out which four I had just made and really had to search to find all of them.  I think this means they blended in well.  I had a nice break in the afternoon when I visited two friends who were working on batik colorwash quilts.  Then we went to the church to see the beautiful banner that one of them had made.  It was like a private show and tell session and I really enjoyed it.


  1. These blocks look the way I feel when I'm especially happy.

  2. This is a wow in your face quilt - love it!

  3. Looking great!!! No pictures of the banner????

  4. I love your blocks and your choice of colors! They are great, and cheer me up just to look at them!

  5. Wanda! You rock these blocks like I have yet to see. Just amazing.

  6. They really look good! I like each and every one. Are those the Accuquilt signature dies I see in there?

  7. This is going to be an amazing quilt! I love what you have so far!

  8. This one truly is "Exuberant Color" ! Wild yet tamed with the precision of the X & + in each block. Kind of takes your breath away it is so full of wonderful fabrics.


  9. They look fantastic! So wonderfully cheerful!

  10. I think they all look great! the traveling quilt show sounds like fun too.

  11. If you have trouble picking them out, then I won't even try!



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