
Thursday, March 28, 2013

35 blocks and a possible layout....

Here are the last 4 blocks.  Again I had orange, red and yellow in mind since this quilt can handle the bright colors.  I only needed 3 but I sew them in groups of 2 so I made 4.
I removed one block that I didn't think belonged and added the 4 new blocks.  This may be the final layout but I'll have to look at it several times today before I decide.
This is the block that came out.  If you look back at Wednesday's post, you will see that it looks dull and mushy, neither of which belonged in this quilt.
This red cactus continues to bloom. I am so happy to have flowers inside in this cold spring weather. 


  1. I agree with you that the block you took out looks "mushy" among the others.

  2. I love how this quilt is turning out! I can't wait to see it all finished!

    My cactus is still blooming too!

  3. LOve this bright colorful quilt. Brightens up these wintry days a bit!Hopefully spring is heading your way, it was about 50 here yesterday.

  4. I am in LOVE!! This quilt is just awesome!!

  5. The additioanl blocks look great! Since the top looks so different on a computer screen than in person sometimes it is hard to really suggest anything. The only suggestion I would have is to have the yellow sprinkled throughout the piece. It seems to stand out the most and would make your eye travel around. Maybe one of the blocks in the top row to the left could be switched with a brighter yellow block. I love this quilt and all the fantastic colors. Another wonderful piece Wanda!

  6. Love this beautiful quilt. It has such vibrancy and colourful energy.

  7. I have been watching the progress of the quilt and was wondering how those VERY different fabrics and colors would work together. knocked it out of the park. There are all so different that it looks great together.

  8. Thanks for showig us the block you took out. I would have been scratching my head for hours trying to figure that out.

  9. Wonderful! Not that you asked, but I enjoy "helping" arrange other people's quilt blocks (and appreciate their input on mine)- the two blocks with the strong diagonal stripe are one row apart. I like how they balance each other east and west; but you could try moving one down so there are two rows between and see how you like it? Might add more balance north and south? Those were the blocks my eye was drawn to. But there is so much going on in this quilt that it is purely delightful!

  10. You can always add the extra one to the back!! It looks really nice.

  11. Awesome quilt and fabrics! Great block pattern.
    Pretty blooms. Love the table runner : )

  12. Fantastic, Exuberant, Wild with color, Mesmerizing to look at. Love this piece.

    Now "Dull and Mushy" is a new term that has NEVER been in any of your posts. (*._,*) LOL ~ I would call that block subtle and subdued and I know you will use it some day. And it will be the vocal point.

    Your cactus blossoms are always so pretty. I can see how they brighten your days.


  13. wow, I really love the block with the "tape measure" fabric. How cool!

  14. Love the layout. I recently ordered some red fabrics. I am very short on red in my stash.

  15. I love it! It is so vibrant and alive - a purely Wanda quilt. Glad you have something blooming. It just makes it more bearable, doesn't it?

  16. By itself this one blocks looks vibrant, alive
    However, in the neighborhood of colors it can be the odd-block out

    Gotta love colors/contrast



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