
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Searching the internet, and playing........

Nothing exciting happening in my studio.  I spent a couple hours yesterday on the internet trying to find Season 2 of Downton Abbey but Masterpiece theater site said they had expired on that site.  Everywhere else wanted money to be able to view them.  I found one PBS site that gave a written synopsis of each of the episodes of series 2 so I read those.  I guess I'll have to go straight to Series 3 and catch 2 later when it is free.  Update:  I just checked with the local library and I will get a call back as soon as it is returned by another patron.

I cut several bindings for the mug rugs but never got around to sewing them on.  Instead I just played with a pile of squares that I had cut when I was trimming strips for the log cabin quilt.  I was just trying to see how many different looks I could get out of the same squares.  Obviously I need to cut more variety to make them pretty.

I counted my quilt tops waiting for quilting and there are 37 with 12 of them needing borders.  There are an additional 2 already basted and ready to quilt on my Pfaff.  I was hoping the number was under 40 and I just made it.  Selling the 15 quilt tops in October really helped to lighten my load.

I have 4 quilts in progress, just blocks and not sewn together so I need to quilt at least 4 before I sew them together to keep it under 40.


  1. I don't know anywhere for free for Downton Abbey, I viewed it summertime on Netflix.
    That's a lot of quilts to finish! you can do it.

  2. Season 2 ....think
    quilty friends or other friends who have bought season two... borrow...

  3. I watched Downton Abbey, Season Two, for free streamed through my Amazon Prime Membership.

  4. Wanda,

    Downton Abbey is available on Netflix on DVDs. Takes a little longer since you have to wait for the mail, do you not have a DVD player?

    Kim in PA

  5. Do you have access to a public library with a good dvd selection? I'm always surprised at what our library has to offer. Can't wait to see how your blocks evolve.

  6. Looks like a postage stamp quilt in the making.

  7. Ditto on checking the public library if you have a DVD player. You may have a short wait but it will be free.

  8. It is a good thing to count tops every now and then. Gives perspective! My nineteen, does not seem to bad!

  9. Beautiful little squares of fabrics! Must be Kaffe Fassett.
    So many people are talking about Downton Abbey. Maybe I need to find out what that's all about.

  10. Enjoyed seeing your play for the day. And fun to study and see where you moved each small square creating a different design.

    Do you know of anyone else in your world that has a schedule like you have with making as many quilts as you do ? I sure don't... You are the only one I know that produces so many.


  11. Hi, if you have Amazon Prime, you can view Downton Abbey there for free. I believe there is a charge for non-prime members.

  12. Just love the colors in the blocks, and thanks for the heads up on Downton Abbey at the library. Hadn't thought of that.


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