
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!! and a review of 2012

2012 was a year of finishes for me.  January - May I finished 19 of them to go to my solo show at the Ciel Gallery in Charlotte NC.  In October through November 4 I finished 10 more (one not in the photo since I haven't finished the binding) as I worked through the stress of hearing that I had a tumor in my eye.  I had finished the flannel quilt early in January, the Christmas quilt and African Cobblestone quilt in December.  I also quilted 4 quilts for QOV, 2 of which I pieced the tops, plus I put together one more top quilted by someone else.  Then there were the 2 outdoors themed quilt tops I made for twin great-nephews and their mother is quilting them.
Here is the group I started but haven't finished.  A couple of them are waiting for borders, some are ready to quilt.  This is one of the few years when I finished more quilts than I started the same year.  Seven in the top collage were started and finished in the same year.
Then there is the small stuff.  I made 105 mug rugs and have another 14 started.  I finished a dozen Christmas pillowcases and a dozen travel size pillowcases for our service project at church in addition to cutting at least another 50 to sew at church.  There are 6 doll quilts, a ring bearer's pillow, 4 table runners, and 7 mini collage wall quilts.  It was a very good year of creating.  It was a year of quantity, but also of quality since I have high standards. 

The goal of the new year is to enjoy every minute each day, to look to the bright side, and to live as stress free as possible.  For those who have asked about my eye, my vision is normal, the incision from the radiation treatment is healed, and now I pray that the tumor will shrink and die.  The Dr. said it may be 6 months before we know if that is happening.  I thank all of you for holding me in your thoughts and prayers these last 3 months and helping me to stay positive and hopeful.  I wish all of us a happy and healthy new year, one with more smiles than frowns!


  1. Happy New Year.....

    WoW! What a finish year. Chris

  2. what a year. You have accomplished a lot it is nice seeing all the quilts together like this. I love how you look positively at life and are trying to stay stress free. I wish you a happy new year and good health - I hope all will be well.

  3. Wow, you have accomplished a lot in 2012. We all strive for stress free days. We're particularly challenged when faced with health adversities.
    Happy New Year to you!

  4. It had its highs and lows but all in all I think 2012 was a good year for you! You certainly were, and continue to be,, productive. I wish you much love, abundant joy, good health, lots of laughter and plenty of time for stitching in 2013.

  5. Wishing you the happiest and healthiest for 2013!

  6. Applause, applause to you on your accomplishment. It is a nice feeling when knowing that you have completed projects that were once ahead of you. Look forward to your progress in 2013, happy new year.

  7. Happy new year! I knew you had accomplished a lot in 2012, but until I saw all the pictures, together, I didn't realize the magnitude. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us.

  8. Amazing photos of finishes. Each one so full of color. Thank you for sharing so much with all of us. A great therapy to get thru all the stuff that comes at us. Here is to healthy new year for us all.

  9. Wishing you a happy new year, full of success, love, health, wealth and joy!

  10. Happy New Year, Wanda. I think you have said it well, with more smiles than frowns.

  11. A happy and stress-free New Year to you Wanda.

  12. Wow, you've had a creative year! Beautiful to see them all together in one post! Happy New Year!

  13. This may just be my favorite post of the year.....seeing your incredible quilts -- remembering your journey as you documented them with us -- dreaming of having enough oranges to replicate that 16p -- and being reminded of your life lessons that we can all apply!

    I think 2013 will be another great year for you but hopefully full of reminders rather than lessons that
    "jolt" us to remember what's important!


  14. Happy New Year, Wanda! You have accomplished so much and encouraged so many. Continue to keep your chin up and your standards high. God bless you.


  15. Wow! What a great quilting year. So many beautiful things. Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Creative New Year, Wnada!

  16. Holy cow Wanda! Anyone could be proud to say they made that many quilts in their lifetime! :) And I know you have high standards - even looking at the little thumbnail shots of your quilts, the design excellence is obvious - you do good work! Continue having fun in 2013!

  17. What an absolutely wonderful visual treat to see your quilts and your colors this way.

    Simply gorgeous!

    You inspire me in so many ways . . .

    Here's to a healthy, creative, and satisfying 2013!


  18. Wishing you a very Happy New Year... and another productive one too! You had a fabulous 2012! So glad that everything is going in the right direction with your eye too. Continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

  19. It's good to hear that you are doing well.
    May the New Year bring [better] health and happiness to you!
    We look forward to seeing 2013's quilts since you inspire all of us.

  20. What a delight it is to see your beautiful work in collage! I hope your eye issue resolves completely in the months ahead. Here's to a bright 2013!

  21. So glad to read about the update on the eye. I will keep the prayers going that the tumor is shrinking and eventually disappearing.

    Your year has been so productive and the results are spectacular. Happy new year.

  22. impressive list of finishes...happy new year

  23. Wow--so many lovely things finished! Hope 2013 will be as successful and enjoyable for you! Happy New Year!

  24. What a nice catalog of your beautiful work. Happy New Year!


  25. I have just 2 things to say:

    WOW! What a year of accomplishments!

    and you're still in my prayers.

  26. Qué cantidad de trabajo! Cuántas horas invertidas en estos proyectos tan hermosos. Felicitaciones!
    Feliz 2013!

    Abrazos desde Colombia!


  27. Awesome quilts, Wanda, very inspiring !! Happy New Year to you !

  28. Wow! What an amazing collection of accomplishments. Very impressive! Despite the setback with your eye, it's clear you had a great year. Thank you for letting me be a tiny part of it; I hope to visit you again one day. Here's to you for only great things for you for this new year!

  29. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you are a machine! You are the most prolific and productive quilter I know of and I'm always so impressed at what you do. Keep up the good work Wanda, because it's so much fun to see your work! Happy New Year and hope you have lots of fun watching Downton Abbey!

  30. Thank you for the color you brought to my eyes and heart in 2012...good health and much joy to you in 2013.

  31. Exuberant Wanda ! ! ! You certainly have lived up to your 'blog' name. I have been setting here just studying every photo. And am awe struck at your year end photo's. I kept up almost daily with you again this past year and I knew the pace you kept up. But OMG... to see it all today takes my breath away. Just posting the blog for today would be a major task for me. You know how computer savvy I am. (*._,*)

    Love your positive outlook for 2013, and just know God will shrink that tumor away. You brighten my days every day when I check in with you. And sending healthy happy wishes back to you too.


  32. Well, I guess you DO love color.

    Happy New Year, my friend. Here's to a great year for all of us.

  33. Love all your work. You are the most creative person I have the pleasure of following.

  34. Happy New Year. Love your work, love your colors. I can only try to be so productive. How do you do it?

  35. You certainly quilted a lot this year. Such beautiful work, too. What are you going to do with 150 mug rugs?

    Happy New Year!

  36. You did have a very busy year! Sometimes, waiting is worse than knowing! Happy New Year! Happy Quilting!

  37. Wonderful eye candy. Thank you for sharing with us. Happy New Year Wanda, wishing you the best in 2013.

  38. Oh, Wanda, what a beautiful LOT you have accomplished! I have so enjoyed seeing the journey on most of them and I thank you again and again for your generosity of spirit in sharing your creativity with us all. You inspire me! Happy New Year!

  39. Your productivity and limitless creativity always impress me. No one and nothing can keep you down or slow you down. These projects you finished are outstanding!
    My wish for you in 2013 is even more productivity, a clean bill of health, unlimited smiles, relaxation when you want it, and the joy of family and friends.
    Happy New Year, Wanda.

  40. You are an inspiration to all. I love your blog. You give me so much inspiration and though I haven't made a 'pattern free' quilt yet I have kept all my scraps to have a go!

    Also I'd love to praise you for your positive attitude and enthusiasm to get projects finished. Awesome quilts. All the best for 2013. It will be a great year for all of us.

  41. Congratulations on finished so many beautiful projects. May 2013 be as productive, if not more so.

  42. I'm so glad your vision normal. I want this year to be a happy, healthy one for you.
    I think this is my favorite post. Full of beautiful pictures of beautiful quilts!
    This was a great year for me! I can't believe I got to visit a gallery full of your beautiful quilts. I got to hear you talk about each one and I got to take one of your classes!

  43. Happy New Year Wanda! The amount of work you did in 2012 is amazing! I wish you a healthy and happy 2013!

  44. Such a dazzling and inspiring display! You are amazing...

  45. The way the quilts are grouped would make a wonderful card or postcard. What an amazing portfolio of work. It is absolutely lovely!

  46. WOW! You have inspired me to keep track of the things I start as well as finish. I think it is wonderful to actually see what you have done during the year. Now I look back and can see a couple of things I finished and think I really didn't get much done. But I know that I did more than that. I have never really looked at those projects that I have started. Tks


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