
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Playing around...........

I got my hair cut yesterday morning so I don't feel like a shaggy old woman any more.  I cut some backings and battings for 3 table runners and figured out the border for a quilt.  I pulled 2 pieces that could be the backing of the quilt too so I'll decide which one today.  Last night I just wanted to play so I got out all of the African fabric scraps and made some crooked cobblestone blocks and some scrap strip piecing.  I know the photo looks like a mess but it is scraps on the left, cobblestone blocks in a pile at the top  and then the 3 strip piecings that might become mug rugs.
My heating problem is fixed so now I need to finish sorting all of the stuff that was in that corner of the bedroom and get the furniture back in place.  I just wasn't in the mood to do it yesterday.


  1. Glad to hear I am not the only one that has to be in a mood to sort. The fabric pieces will be interesting and really look interesting. Chris

  2. Ah yes, some days I actually get in the mood to sort..but I have more days when I sew and scatter.

  3. It looks like you were both productive and had some fun yesterday...the best kind of day.

  4. We feel good even when we get small things made don't we? Take your time with the mess, it won't go any where! lol

  5. I got my hair trimmed last week but she took off way more than I wanted and it will be another week or two before it is how I want it. I hope you had better luck!

  6. The african pieces make me want to get mine out and sew! I have a box of scraps that I am putting together into a piece. I don't know what it will look like or how big it will be, but I just can't throw away the scraps. They are too beautiful! Glad your heat problem is solved!

  7. Great picture, lots of colorful creativity. Love the cobblestones and strip pieced blocks. I enjoy pictures of your creative process.
    Yesterdays Christmas was beautiful. Wonderful how nicely the blocks, borders and binding played together.
    Hope the heating system is adjusted correctly so you will be warm.

  8. Such colorful fabric. Makes my day brighter seeing all that fabric.

  9. What a fun bunch of fabric. Everyone needs a play day! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Playing around is always much more fun than putting things back together again. Glad the heating got fixed before the real cold sets in there.

  11. Even your play is pretty! Glad you got your heating issues solved. We haven't turned the furnace on here yet. Need to do it, just haven't, bundled up instead.

  12. Fabrics 'in waiting' to join each other in another wonderful piece. Those strips certainly live up to your "Exuberant Color."


  13. I would rather be sewing than sorting, moving furniture and cleaning house. But alas, those things must be done, too!

  14. What a GLORIOUS jumble of colors!!!!!

  15. That is such a rich group of fabrics -- can't wait to see the Crooked Cobblestones one!


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