
Friday, December 21, 2012

Back to scrappy stars......

I started out ambitious yesterday but as the day wore on I wore out.  I think it was the low barometric pressure from the storm that got me.  We didn't get much snow, just enough to cover the grass.  The wind was the worst part of it.  All I managed to do in the studio is make a few more blocks for my ongoing project.
I have 14 sewn and 3 more cut and ready to sew.
This is the next one to sew.  I made another batch of spritz cookies and another batch of Chex mix before I fizzled out.
Here is the status of the red Amaryllis.  I can't tell if the second stalk has four flowers or not.  I tied the 2 stalks and leaves with a ribbon because the leaves had bent over and I was afraid one of the flower stalks was going to lean too.  Luckily they will support each other now.


  1. Don't forget to take some time and just relax, Wanda!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. I hope I am as energetic as you are when I get your age!!!!! Lovely stars. I have a bag of held square triangle blocks that I need to put into a top. You've given me an idea. Hugs my christmas marathon starts today. Need to make presents from blocks on the shelf. Hugs.

  3. I hope I am as energetic as you are when I get your age!!!!! Lovely stars. I have a bag of held square triangle blocks that I need to put into a top. You've given me an idea. Hugs my christmas marathon starts today. Need to make presents from blocks on the shelf. Hugs.

  4. The wind just howled all night here in Northeast Ohio! It is snowing now, but it is only sticking to cars right now. Have a safe and happy holiday!

  5. Scrappy stars at your place will always be bright and cheery. And as to "running down" that happens to me more frequently than it used to. I have decided to just "go with the flow" and if the flow turns into a drip, I just drip. I spent all Wednesday afternoon with two good books and it felt great.

  6. love those quilt blocks - sounds like the snow missed you - my daughter just a tad north of Madison got 19.5"!!

  7. Love the Amaryllis. I stake mine also they get so tall. Keep warm and enjoy the holidays.

  8. What a great idea to tye them! I will try that when mine starts to lean. Wonder why I didn't think of it lol.

  9. You have really been productive. No wonder you ran out of steam. The stars look wonderful.

  10. Sometimes it feels good to just veg out in front of the tv or read a book. Nothing wrong with that.

  11. I love those star blocks. We had the wind and a little rain. Thankfully no snow here yet.

  12. I too believe barometric pressure has a lot to do with our productive systems. Although you still get more accomplished than most of us.

    Your stars sure shine. And another stalk getting ready to blossom on your Amaryllis. Fun to watch it's progress.


  13. Wanda, I have to say that your blog brightens my day. I just love your work, all of it. Beautiful and inspiring!Have a wonderful holiday :)

  14. Nice progress, but double check the star in the second row. Looks a little off

  15. Those flower heads are very heavy. THey should support each other tied together!

  16. Your Christmas Amaryllis is gorgeous!
    I love amaryllis. Mine are stored in the garage and are brought out each Spring to bloom their hearts out.
    So much reward for so little work.

    Perhaps I should acquire one or two plants to have them show their lovely blossoms during the holidays just like yours.

    You make terrific progress with your quilting projects every time you post ! !

    Happy holidays !

    Christmas hugs


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