
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

More basting.....

Yesterday morning I basted another small quilt while I did a load of laundry.  Last night I got all of the ditch quilting in the center of the cross quilt.  Now I have to decide how to quilt the border.
When I went out to pick up the newspaper I noticed one lonely coreopsis bloom so I picked a couple of the remaining petunias in my porch pots and the coreopsis for a little bouquet.  I'm sure this is the last bouquet now because it has been below freezing many mornings.  Today Rosemary is coming over and I will help her baste the string quilt for her daughter that I showed last Tuesday.


  1. I have one pot of petunias and several rose buds --as well we have not had a frost here still up on our ridge, most likely won't for another 2 or 3 weeks.
    That is a pretty quilt

  2. we're having a veritable heat wave out here in California. My coreopsis are going nuts. Scabiosa too.

  3. I love the border material on that quilt. I too have been bring in the last of the flowers and putting them around the house, most have been mums. Oh dear, winters almost here!

  4. Those quilt tops are ticking off quickly at this rate. Way to go!

  5. I had a couple of plants still blooming as they were close to the house, but I think they froze the other night. You are getting lots accomplished lately!

  6. Spectacular small quilt you are working on. The two borders frame 'strips 'n curves' so beautifully. I know you have shown us the strips 'n curves before, but do not remember the borders.

    Lovely little bouquet of petunia's and coreopsis.

    70 degrees here yesterday and most likely again today, but the weather guys tell us by Friday we will be in the single digits for over night temps and SNOW in the valley. A cold front coming down from Canada.


  7. Nice, I only have Mums and Petunias left.

  8. I can't imagine still having flowers of any sort at this time of year! We saw a few little snowflakes today. Only a few and they didn't stay, but ...

  9. Such a sweet little bouquet....slthough....don't set it too close to those blooming cacti, it might get a complex ! Ha !

    I saw a forsythia bush with tiny blooms here today, up the street ! My mums and petunias and marigolds are still hanging on after a heavy frost.

    That's a pretty basted quilt, too.

  10. Love a cozy fannel quilt. (Thanks for the reminder about haircuts - I need to make an appointment NOW!


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