
Friday, October 12, 2012

Busy work....

This is the busy work while watching the vice presidential debate.  I haven't pressed them yet.  There is one little pile of squares at the top of the photo for the next block.
The cacti are loaded with buds.  This variety is a little lighter green and all of the ones with buds are like this.  The rest of the plants are darker green and smaller leaves (or whatever they are called) and have no buds yet.  I wonder if that makes this a Thanksgiving cactus instead of a Christmas cactus.
A mammogram was on the list of tests that I needed to have done before I can see the eye specialist.  I did that yesterday and passed one more test.  Next test is Wednesday and it is the toughest one but I have a few days to relax before then.


  1. We call them Christmas Cactus too even though ours flower in OUR Winter, June/July. Look forward to seeing yours in full bloom.

  2. I have a feeling your cacti will be lovely when they bloom out. I am not sure that one will make it to Thanksgiving. It may be a Halloween cactus.

  3. sounds like a complete physical is in the works.

  4. I love those blocks, especially the one on the left. Pretty pattern.
    I think I fixed my email on my profile. I do things and then forget what I did.

  5. It seems like only a couple of months ago you were showing photos of the cacti in flower but so many months have passed since then! Wishing you all the best for this health issue - thinking of you and praying for you even as I type!

  6. Holding you in the Light, friend. It is very hard to go through these tests and wait for still more of them and then the results.

  7. I am keeping you in my thoughts. You and your quilting are inspirations for me! Yours is the ONLY blog I read EVERY single day!

  8. Still holding you in prayer for this scare and tests to come. Your inspiration to us all is so great that you must be feeling our concern. Enjoy your few days of rest and then be ready to beat back the dragons.

  9. Pretty blocks and a productive project for watching the debates.

    I think they should be called seasonal cacti since they bloom at all times of the year. ;-)

    Good luck with the next test.

  10. I got something done during the debate too (although I used a seam ripper more than usual, LOL!). It's nice to be productive while tuning in. Yep, I had a pelvic, a mammo, and now I have a colonoscopy in a week and a half...I will be glad when all the poking and prodding is OVER! All the appointments, prep, and worry cuts into my sewing time...

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  11. Thinking of you and hoping that you pass all the tests!
    Waiting is the hardest part....

  12. Your triangles are sparkling stars. Love the color combinations of each block.

    Just can not get over all the buds you have on those cacti. Fun to watch from this side of the screen also.


  13. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through these tests. I agree with Lynn...the waiting is the hardest part!

  14. Keeping you close in thought and prayer . . . and wishing you joy as you stitch your way through the waiting.

  15. I've always heard that there are two blooms around easter and the other Christmas, so maybe those are Easter cacti?

  16. Pretty blocks. And just look at all those buds!
    Good luck with your tests, Wanda.

  17. Hope all will be well for you. Really pretty blocks.

  18. You cacti look so pretty. Mind look tired and they've been inside all summer - too hot outside. Maybe they can go out for a while soon. I like your stars. I couldn't do a thing trying to watch them go at it. Finally gave up in disgust.

  19. Your cacti looks wonderful and can't wait to see it in full bloom. Good luck with the remaining tests. Went through problems last year and just glad to be alive.

  20. Good luck with the tests. I am sorry you have to go through this. It's so hard not knowing what is wrong.

  21. You know that we're thinking of you every day and hoping that you'll be just fine! I'm glad you keep "passing" the tests. Take care.


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