
Monday, October 29, 2012

Meeting my goal.........

Two weeks ago I said I was going to try to get 3 quilts quilted each week, starting with the small ones.  I didn't quite make it but I was close.  I quilted 2 baby quilts, 1 lap size quilt, 1 wallhanging, and finished the border quilting on a second wallhanging in progress.  Two of them are waiting for binding, 3 are totally done.  The 6th project however was a start (surprised?) which I showed yesterday, one new completed top.  I started out with 53 quilt tops needing quilting, I quilted 4 of them and sold 14 of them.  That leaves 35 needing quilting plus one added-36 total.  I know when I get to the large ones I won't finish 3 a week but I think I have a good start.  I cut the batting for 3 more on Saturday before I put away the 30 yard roll to prepare for the art quilters today.
This is my blueprint for the quilt top I showed yesterday.  I am a visual person and even though I could have figured in my head how many pinwheel blocks I would need, I like to do a quick sketch to double check the number.  This way I can also jot down the measurements of all of the pieces so I don't make a mistake in cutting.


  1. They are all lovely but I particularly like the one on the black background -- it is just so striking!

  2. I love your blueprint. I do something like this too - especially the numbers part!

  3. Congratulations on your progress. They are all beautiful. And thanks for sharing your process. I love the way you approach your project.

  4. WOW! I feel like I should be shamed into getting busy. Your really getting a lot done. Chris

  5. So many beautiful projects! I can't wait to see the rest. I'm a visual person too, always have a notepad & pen or iPhone/iPad within reach.

  6. you certainly are staying busy - it is amazing how many projects we have that pile up and we never get them finished.

  7. It's always fun to see how others get organized. I am a visual person like you and do much better with a sketch.

  8. Yay for meeting goals. I love the hot pink and polka dot quilt below. Gonna have to buy me some polka dots.

  9. That's pretty ambitious! I need to get serious about finishing all my quilt tops too. Thanks for the nudge.

  10. You are getting a LOT done! And that's a good idea to make a sketch. I do way too much muddling in my making.

  11. I am always amazed at how much you get done, Wanda. While I am still deciding how I'm going to put a quilt together, you have one pieced, quilted, and bound, your huge living room painted, and your gardening done!

  12. In spite of everything happening in your life you are still so ambitious! I feel ashamed at how I use my time when I see people such as yourself getting so much done. Thank you for the kick in the pants.

    Your quilts are all great and it's nice to see how others think things out on paper. :)


  13. Three quilts a week - that is a very high goal! So far with what you have done and what you have sold, that UFO pile is shrinking fast! I love what you did with the black and white polka dot quilt. That red border is wonderful and the addition of the pinwheel blocks is great!

  14. Nice to see all of your latest designs together. Your art always reflects your "exuberant" personality.

    Enjoy your day with your art quilters... and let us know how Hurricane Sandy effected Illinois. Map shows the west edge hitting Illinois. News tells us it is already the worst in history... Really ?


  15. YOu completely crack me up sometimes, Wanda. I love this simple drawing and just awestruck by the beauty you made out of it! ONly you, only you....
    p.s. thanks for the dot-cutting tip!

  16. I'm so impressed at how much you get accomplished! I love that new quilt top -- it is a very happy quilt, made me smile the second I looked at it!

  17. Many lovelies. You are on a roll.
    I make sketches like that :)


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