
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2 finished, 2 to go..........

I finished 2 of the doll quilts for my classmate and made 2 more tops so there will be a total of 4.  They are for her granddaughters and herself.  It is really hard to photograph pastels at night.  They are a little deeper toned than this but not as deep as the photo yesterday.  Maybe when I get them all done I can figure away to capture the real colors.
Today I have to take a stress test.  An irregularity was found in my heart with my EKG.  I haven't ever walked on a treadmill so this should be an experience.


  1. some little girl will be so happy with these adorable doll quilts.

  2. Wanda, It seems like to you that everything is against you, but we are all pulling for you. Chin up. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Chris

  3. Don't worry about it. The stress test is pretty easy. I am sure all will be okay. But I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

  4. The quilts look great. I think the treadmill isn't as bad as it sounds. I have done that stress test twice and it isn't so bad. The second time (years after the first) the tester kept asking me if I needed to stop. Oddly, I was just fine and finished the full time on it.

    You are still in my prayers

  5. Hope you are ok...the quilts are soft and pretty, not your usual brights

  6. The two quilts are so cute. I'm hoping for encouraging news from your stress test.

  7. Wishing you all the best for your stress test.

  8. everything happening at once it sounds like -

  9. maybe you haven't run on a treadmill, but you run circles around some of us!! You're in my prayers.

  10. Prayers for the stress test. I hate the lists of test the doctors want to put us through....that ruined my year. Know you will just crank on through them and pass with flying colors.

  11. Those little quilts are adorable! A couple of my friends have done that stress test and say it wasn't so hard.

  12. The doll quilts are so sweet. I am sure they will love them! Best of luck with the stress test. Hopefully they can pinpoint the problem so it can be dealt with quickly. Take care and I will be sending good thoughts your way!

  13. I had a stress test a couple years ago and the treadmill is easy (and I'd never used a treadmill). They kept telling me to slow down and walk at a normal pace. I was! Walking slower would have been hard for me.

  14. thinking of you as you "stress out"... you know, thousands of others are thinking of you too: you're our hero and inspiration!

  15. eyes and will be Rita says, you run circles around most of us. U r one strong independent woman! I am rooting for you.

  16. With all you "have on your plate" I can understand you need a stress test. And yet you keep on working on your projects with out hesitation. Doll quilts are just precious.

    My thoughts are with you...


  17. I have been through a couple of stress tests. They aren't too bad. Good luck.

  18. best wishes for a positive outcome on your health issues.

  19. Best wishes for a positive outcome from me too Wanda - will be thinking about you!

  20. quilts are beautiful. I've done the stress test twice, not as bad as it sounds. Don't 'stress' about it. :)

  21. I always think the stress before taking the stress test is worse then the test. Hopefully all went well and you are home with your feet up now.

  22. Stress tests??? I couldn't walk on the treadmill, no feeling in my feet is not helpful. They gave me a chemical.....the nurse/tech reading the test kept asking....are you ok? Are you sure your ok.....did you know your heart is irregular? Yes I knew that...they say my heart is weak?? Not sure what that means except it doesn't qualify for disability!! LOL I'm still here, taking pills, and my heart is still weak?? Maybe they will tell you what weak means??? I don't have a clue!


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