
Monday, September 10, 2012

Getting closer to a finish.......

It is amazing what a photo shows that I can't see by just looking at the piece.  I can see I have more rearranging to do.  I put the blocks up on a double design wall first thing yesterday morning so I could determine what I need to make to finish the last row.  Then I went back to my painting.  I finished the 30' wall and did the baseboard heaters on that wall and on the last wall which has another picture window.  I had enough paint in the tray to paint one of the narrow side walls by the window and the space under the window above the baseboard heater.  That leaves the space above the cornice board that goes all the way across the 15', the cornice board plus the narrow wall on the right and the window frame.  I have to finish taping the ceiling line and the corner where the 2 different wall colors will meet.  Today however I will just have fun with 2 of my readers, talking 'quilt' and going out for lunch.


  1. A lunch date with other quilters sounds like more fun than painting!

  2. Have a great day with your friends. You have certain,y earned some fun time after all that work!

  3. Inspiration plus...can't wait for school holidays so I can sew sew sew

  4. I discovered that very same thing with one of my quilts by taking a picture. Downside - I should have taken the picture when it was STILL on my design wall!

  5. It looks good to me, so I'm wondering what you might change. Looking forward to your next pic... and loving your wall painting follow-along. Lots of work!

  6. Stunning!
    I do that too. Last bit has to be decided once all the blocks are up on the wall. Mine is still one wall. Got a little side-tracked. Very easy for me to do.

  7. I've learned to take a picture and then look at it on the computer screen before finalizing layouts. Wish I followed that advice every time, though!
    You've been working so hard that it's great you're having a day out to talk quilt.

  8. I'm glad that you are going to enjoy the day after all of that hard work.

  9. I so know what you mean about how much our photo's pick up that our eye did not. It really helps to help evaluate a piece.

    You are a real 'trooper' with your painting project. Glad you are taking a break with your friends today. I see you have nice weather to be out and about.

  10. Your zigzag is getting there. Really enjoying seeing your design process.

  11. It is always nice to sit and talk quilts. You are moving right long with your painting and also your quilt. Enjoy your day.


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