
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pushed into action........

Ace Hardw*re gives away free quarts of their Clark and Kensington paint every month or so.  I have 2 quarts, 2 different colors which I need to try to see if I like them so I can paint the living room.  Paint is on sale this weekend so it's time for action.  A quart will cover 100 sq. feet and I have 2 walls that qualify in my living room.  I started taping the corners and ceiling lines so it will be a nice clean wall of paint in case I don't get back to the rest of the painting right away.  What was I thinking though on this wall.  I'm only a little over 5' tall and there is no way I can get near the ceiling line over the fireplace.  I had the room professionally painted in 1996 and before that there was panelling on this wall.  There is a piece of glass on the mantel so even if I wanted to get up on there I can't and the glass is a 2 person job to remove.  I have put a call out to the family (left message) and haven't heard back yet.
On to plan B, the other wall.  There was a bookcase with all of my quilting books on it in front of this wall so last night I moved all of the books over to this unit, 10' away, organizing as I did it and now this morning I will tape the corner and door frame and hopefully be painting by 10.  I think I got my load bearing exercise moving all of those books.  It is amazing how heavy they are.


  1. Oh my... you've set yourself quite a project this weekend! The prep work is the worst part about painting for me...

    Take care and I hope all goes smoothly for you...

  2. don't envy you - I used to love painting, now I despise it the prep work though is half the battle. I hope you get some help.

  3. All that work for a free quart of paint! Hope your family comes through for you.

  4. Lots of work, but it will be so nice. Chris

  5. What a job to do! I feel your pain with how hard it is to get some jobs done without help. It is a lot of work so I guess that is why I haven't put the second coat on my living room. It took me hours and hours to paint the walls and the ceiling. The room has a goofy shape so the ceiling is the same color as the walls. The ceiling in my living room is an angled cathedral that goes up to 13.5 feet on one side and down to 8 feet on the other side. I am only 5' 2" and even on an 8 foot ladder and using an extention pole, getting up to the 13.5' area is hard! I could sure use one of my 6'+ brothers to help me with that high area! Be careful and I look foward to seeing the results! I hope you saved some of those cookies for a little snack while you are painting.

  6. I will trade you jobs for this weekend. I have to prime and paint an entire 1800 sq ft house..........every single inch of it! All the ceilings, and all the walls!!! Wanna trade????? Please!

  7. Yikes!!! It's a good think it is a three day weekend. I am sure it will look wonderful. What color are you painting it?

  8. Wow Wanda, you've picked a big job. When I painted my downstairs bedroom, I tried 4 different colors. The light kept shifting and I was unhappy with the results. Finally, I went to Sherwin Williams and bought a quart of yellow. Then from Wal-Mart, a gallon of "Country" white. With a 2-gallon bucket, I slowly mixed the 2 and came up with just the right shade. Good luck!

  9. I admire the way you do not procrastinate even when you've got good excuses! And with all the prep work you've done, I'm impressed with your stamina. Got my fingers crossed that help comes your way and you don't have to live with a house disorganized too long.

  10. Take your time and be careful on those ladders. Hope help arrives :)

  11. Ugh! We need to paint, too. I've been putting it off for some time now, but I did finally pick up sample colors the other day. It surprised me how very much paint had increased in price and decreased in size of containers.

  12. I'm sorry I don't live a bit closer, as I love to paint the high, next to the ceiling spots and can do it without standing on anything. It's the low parts that I always want to hire out. When I do need to stand on something, I have two old plastic milk crates (circa 1980) that I flip over and stand on. They feel more stable than a step ladder.

  13. I hope your son will surprise you with a ladder under his arm and maybe ask if you need any help. (*._,*) This weekend.

    Your lucky friend got a very nice treat of cookies and fudge ! Do you ship with a crumbled cushion of wax paper so they arrive as pretty as your photo ? I usually freeze and when frozen vacuum seal them.

    And as always fun to see all the photo's of your quilts you pull from your stash. I love the one you showed on Tuesday... So pretty. And that backing is perfect !

    I have not had a chance to check in for a few days as you can tell.


  14. Man. That is a lot of quilting books. Just keep telling yourself that once the painting is done you are going to love it.

  15. Good luck with the painting and oh my gosh do you have a great stack of quilting books!!

  16. I love those trolley book shelves

  17. Yes - books are VERY, VERY heavy!

    Best of luck getting assistance with the "too high" parts of your painting project(s) . . . and here's to loving the colors you've chosen!!!

  18. I hope you get loads of help and can get it done quickly.
    Books are incredibly heavy. Sometimes it's a good thing when we have to move them and then can reacquaint ourselves with what's there as we reorganize them.

  19. Your right it is good to test paint colours. I recall painting my living room a salmon colour and it turned out pink. Needless to say I hated it but had to live with it for a while until I could repaint.

  20. I hope that you found someone to help you with the paint job and that by now it is finished and you are onto putting the room back together. It is always nice to have newly painted walls and then everything seems to be clean. Enjoy your holiday weekend.


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