
Thursday, August 16, 2012

No Sew Zone......

Yesterday morning I had to have a plumber come and fix a toilet and a faucet on the bathroom sink. Then I ran errands.                                When I got home I decided I needed to clean off my long arm table so I can be ready to quilt there too.  I had all sorts of stuff draped over the bars and the plastic that I covered it with at the end of May was still over it.  One of the things on it was these 3 pieces of hand dyed fabric that my daughter bought for me at a quilt shop in the wine country in California.  The fabric is a cotton sateen and the colors are rich and vibrant.                                        Last night my great-niece came over with my sister-in-law to choose a quilt.  I didn't know it but she had already made a quilt  and she loves batiks.  I may be helping her out with her next quilt with my die cutter.  This is the quilt she chose.


  1. Beautiful fabric and your great neice chose a lovely quilt!!

  2. When I first looked at that top fabric, I thought it was a stained glass window. That is some lovely fabric.

  3. It sounds like at times your long arm machine is like what my old exercise bike was to me - a place to drape things over :) pretty fabric.

  4. I agree with Gene... I thought you had taken a picture of a church window. You can really see the light coming through it!

  5. Those hand dyed fabrics are lovely.

    Your niece chose a great quilt. How fun it must be to see her interested in quilting too.

  6. Beautiful quilt your niece chose. I must try one of those Turning 20 patterns. Bought the pattern book last year.

  7. I can see that it would take expertise to come up with those hand dyed pieces.

    What a treat for your niece to have an aunt like you to have such a wonderful stash of quilts to select from.


  8. I thought it was a stained glass window too.

  9. Those fabrics are absolutely gorgeous! I thought the to one looked like stained glass too.


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