
Saturday, August 25, 2012

My film debut..........

Wanda S. Hanson presents her quilts at Ciel Gallery from Zach Burkhart on Vimeo.

This is the video my grandson filmed and composed for me from my show in North Carolina in June.  He is very talented and does freelance filmmaking.  


  1. Talent runs in the family! Lucky girl.

  2. Loved hearing your presentation of your lovely quilts. Only wish the video would be longer! Thank you for sharing so much with us. You are an inspiration ; )

  3. What an amazing exhibit!
    Thank you for the tour.

  4. Thank you Wanda! I loved seeing you explain all of your work to us. Since I have been following your blog for a long time I had already read everything you mentioned. But to hear it stated in your own voice was Wandaful! The video was fascinating and I wish it had been longer. You are an inspiration to us all!

  5. This was delightful! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  6. Love it! Your quilts are so special and it's fun to hear you talk about them. Thanks so much for sharing the video!!

  7. I love seeing all of your quilts together like this and hearing you tell us all about them. Nice!

  8. That was so much fun to watch. I think you are a natural in front of a camera. It probably comes from your years of teaching quilters.
    Are there any outtakes? That might be fun to see too.

  9. Wanda,
    It was so much fun to watch and hearing the stories behind them. Wonderful to see them all at once too!
    Your grandson did a great job filming it.

  10. I liked seeing the quilts as you were gathering them for the show but to see them all together in the actual show - WOW! They're WANDA-ful, thanks for sharing.

  11. What a fantastic video... enjoyed hearing about your quilts and design process this morning... and seeing all your beautiful quilts again!

  12. REALLY enjoyed the video, Wanda! Thanks to you and your grandson :-)

  13. Loved seeing your quilts displayed together. Wonderful video. Really enjoyed hearing you talk about your design process.
    I always enjoy seeing your beautiful quilts.

  14. Wonderful video, Wanda - your grandson is obviously a professional! As are you - you were so poised and of course your quilts are the best! Congratulations!

  15. Love to hear you talk about your beautiful quilts. Zach did a great job. I visited his blog earlier this summer. Very talented your man.
    Your show in NC was great. Seeing your art, meeting you and your daughter, seeing her art and taking your color class was awesome.
    Thank you for sharing.

  16. I loved the video! It was like a personal tour with the artist of your gallery show. You are a natural in front of the camera. Next up, some teaching videos? Please!

  17. Fantastic video! I already knew you were prolific, but seeing all of your quilts in one space is fabulous and mind boggling!

  18. What fun! It was fabulous seeing the show in motion. He did a wonderful job on the filming.

  19. Thank you so much for your "retrospective". It was fun to see so many of your works all at once. And a wonderful filming job too.

  20. Wow, Wanda, that is a fabulous video. It was great to see you, hear your voice, listen as you explained your design processes and see all of those wonderful quilts displayed together. Thank you for sharing the video with us.

  21. Great Video so nice to see the face behind all of your beautiful creations.
    Your work is amazing. I read your blog constantly

  22. You're a natural! That's a wonderful piece of your world. Well done; your grandson is obviously artistic like his grandma. PS Nice outfit, love your jewelry with it.

  23. I so enjoyed your video and all of your quilts, make a person feel happy, they are so beautiful.

    How do you amass your fabrics, how much yardage do you buy at once of a color? I also love Kaffe Fassett fabrics, he is a true artist, just like yourself.

  24. I enjoyed watching your video so much. You and your grandson did a great job. Loved hearing about your design process and seeing your quilts again.

  25. You are a natural in front of the camera! Both you and your quilts look terrific. 5 stars!*****

  26. What a wonderful experience...visiting your exhibit with you. Very personal and beautiful. Fun getting to know you better :)

  27. Thank you and your grandson too for sharing that with us. Loved it.

  28. I just loved hearing you tell more about your quilt series and process and to see the beautiful show in depth. Handy to have a talented grandson to document this special occasion for you - and us!

  29. Wanda your video is wonderful!!! Zach is very talented! You are both so gifted :)

  30. I have to say, you have a way with color! Beautiful quilts!I can tell they are all made by the same quilter:) Great job on the video!

  31. What a treat it is to see that video! Hearing you talk about your quilts made me smile.

  32. That is wonderful! I feel like I've had a personal tour of your exhibits. Really enjoyed hearing you talk about your beautiful quilts and your process.

  33. Wanda, what a wonderful video! I have followed your blog for a long time but it was nice to hear your voice and hear you talk about your beautiful quilts.

  34. What a nicely-made video! Seeing and hearing you talk about your quilts adds another layer of inspiration and understanding about your processes. Thank you for sharing!

  35. You are a shining star and a wonderful example to all of us quilters. Your grandson did a great job of putting the video together. I love the background's light and cheerful...just like you! :)

  36. Nice video and it was great to see and hear the quilter who has given me so many ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  37. What I liked about the video is that you are you... not affected at all with that camera stuck in front of you. As for your grandson, I went to his website, watched and downloaded the piece "Southern Rain" It is amazing! Talent abounds!

  38. Hi Wanda, LOVED all of it and THANKS to Zach,too.!!

  39. THIS IS YOUR BEST POST TO DATE ! ! ! Your Grandson Zach has made you into a celebrity ! What a wonderful film... I could not stop smiling. I am going to send it on to all my family and friends to see my friend Wanda.


  40. Wanda, this wonderful video is just a wonderful gift to your followers and affords us a unique insight into your techniques and thought processes. I think your talented grandson should send a copy of his video to Kaffe......he would surely be appreciate how well you incorporate his fabrics and style into many of your pieces. I'm would recognize a kindred spirit for sure!

  41. My face is red after re-reading my prior comment. Lesson learned: proofread!!

  42. So my husband pulled up a chair and watched every second of your "film debut". He said, to tell you, that he was really impressed with your work and Zach's filming.

    It was such a treat to see this film for us that wanted to go to your show in June, and could not.


  43. Your quilts are awesome and inspirational as usual! It is so nice to have a look at the person behind all the work!

  44. Well, this is terrific. What a great way to remember your time in NC and what quilts you had with you. And, of course, I could remember being there to see your quilts up close and persona.

  45. Beautiful quilts and great video.....Thanks, Wanda!!

  46. Wanda, I have been following you for some time now, and have been inspired by your work. This video really showed off your beautiful creations! What an incredible job by both you and your grandson.
    Please make more!!

  47. Wanda, I love the video. Very professional. I really enjoyed seeing some of the work that I haven't seen on the blog. Thanks for sharing.

  48. It was a pleasure to hear you describe your beautiful wall hangings. I feel as though I know you personally now. The showing in Ciel Gallery was stunning. (I also visited your grandson's web-site--and emailed the link to the Southern Rain Storm to my daughter who has lived in NYC for 12 years--she missed thunder terribly!)

  49. Thank you for posting the video. I really enjoyed it! You do beautiful work - the video really shows it off.

  50. Great video and great fun seeing your quilts and hearing you talk about them.

  51. Bravo! You sound just lovely Wanda. Well done son too.

  52. Thanks for posting this, Wanda. I had a big smile on my face through the whole thing. It's great to see and hear you talk about your quilts and design process.
    - Lori in Watertown MA

  53. Very nice. Your quilts are beautiful. So lucky to have such a talented grandson.

  54. Love it, love it, love it! You have a very talented, wonderful grandson. While watching your video, I felt we were having a cup of tea and a chat at the kitchen table.

  55. Loved seeing your quilts and hearing you talk about them. 53 years, that's a LOT of scraps!

  56. Just got a chance to watch. Zach and you did a great job and your pieces just glisten!!! Don't know how many takes you all had but it flowed beautifully. Loved it.


  57. I finally had some time to sit and watch the video and LOVED it!! When I grow up, I want to be you! As you know, I admire your work, style and creativity... this video brings it all home for me! Congrats on a job well done!!

  58. Great video, Wanda. It's so nice to finally see you and to hear your explanations about your series of quilts. You are an inspiration to us all, so keep up the good work!

  59. How fun to see this video with so many of your quilties. It's nice to put a face and a voice with your posts.

    And, girl, you are a firecracker, doing all these projects, one after another ! You put ME to shame.

    Beautiful work. And tell the grandson that he did GOOD.

  60. Yeah Wanda!! Now I know not only a great quilter, but a movie star too!! Way to go:)

  61. That was a wonderful video. It was thrilling to see all your quilts again and mug rugs. You did not sound nervous at all and you could feel the love you have for your work. What an inspiring show for all who were lucky enough to see it.

  62. Just want to say how much I enjoyed viewing this video! I almost feel like I know you now! ;). While I have been reading your blog for years, I haven't seen many pictures of you, let alone hear you speak. It was great to hear you describe the beautiful pieces I was seeing...thanks for sharing!

  63. That was fabulous. Thanks for sharing. He did a great job!!

  64. Hi Wanda,
    Very nice video of you and your quilts. A very professional job (from both you and your grandson). I bet it would be fun to take a class from you and hear all those interesting tidbits you throw in.
    Vicky F

  65. I really enjoyed the film! You can see that your grandson admires you and your work... so do we. It was fun to hear your voice, and what you say about your quilts. They are amazing.
    Good job, both of you!

  66. Wanda.Loved your video and your grandson did such a wonderful job filming it. Your quilts are just beautiful and so colorful.I really love the "parismatic"ones.Would love to take a class to make one of those. Blessings,Cleta

  67. Wanda, your pieces are bang up GREAT!
    Your love of color makes my heart sing. Each one a colorful jewel.

    Loved the opportunity to see and hear you after all the time of reading your blog.

    Fantastic vid, btw.

    Gerry in Jeff City

  68. I' sorry Wanda I can't figure out how to sign in again. I can't ever find my passwords.

    I loved your Video and am sharing it with a few friends. You are an inspiration to me. Please post more videos for us in blogland.

    Your fan,
    Cari J

  69. A bit behind in Blog Reading.... Glad I didn't miss this!!!


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