
Monday, August 27, 2012

Lots of things.......

I told you I had a visit from a blogging friend Saturday and here we are.  Do you recognize her?................Her DH was the photographer................

OK, we turned around......................and it's Julie!  She and her husband planned a visit to my house on the way home from their trip.  We had 4 delightful hours talking about fabric and quilts and tools.  It was so much fun!  Thanks Julie and DH for taking the time to come to cornfield country.  I unfolded several quilt tops while they were here so I spent some time yesterday choosing backing fabric for them.  That's one step closer to finishing. 
I promised an update on the Streak of Lightning hand dyed blocks.  I talked to the friend I am making it for and she likes the look of the 'hired hand' quilts from the past.  They were long and narrow.  All of the blocks are made and now I just have to decide if the layout is done and then I can sew it together.


  1. Fun to have company with like interests. Your zig zag is very striking. Chris

  2. Isn't it wonderful to meet up with like minded people! Two of my favorite quilting bloggers in one place... Fantastic!

  3. it is always a joy to meet other quilting bloggers.

  4. Wanda,
    It is nice to see you and Julie in one place.
    The zigzag blocks are looking wonderful There is a flickr group called 'Streak of lightning' if you would like to add your pictures to that.

  5. Thanks again Wanda for inviting us in and sharing yourself with us . . . we loved visiting with you!

  6. Love the lightening strikes...hi ho hi ho, it's off to work tomorrow I go!

  7. It is so col that you got to visit with Julie! I also love the layout of the zig zag quilt.

  8. The hand dyed fabric is very striking.

  9. Your zigzag is beautiful...and I am glad you had is always a good thing

  10. OMG... As I scrolled down your Monday post, I was so surprised to see Julie's smiling face, before I could read her name... I thought she is a friend of mine too. They say everyone has a double and her double lives in the valley I live in and she is a very creative art quilter.

    And I must add, I have always loved your rusty/brown wall hanging.

    Streak of Lightning... great title for this piece. I can feel the 'charge' just from looking at it.


  11. Oh this is gorgeous with the hand dyed fabrics......mine is coming together with lots of scraps.
    Isn't it a fun pattern?
    I got my inspiration from Nifty when she showed her terrific quilt on her blog.

    Happy sewing

  12. Love your kaliedoscope quilt. I am working on one now. It is a UFO that I have almost finished!

  13. Oh, wow!!!! Those zig zag blocks are amazing! I never heard of hired hand. Does that just mean long and narrow?

    And how nice to have a visitor (and husband) to share some of your beautiful quilts with. Good for getting the backings chosen, too. You are on a roll!

  14. It's so cool.Your zig zag is beautiful.


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