
Monday, August 20, 2012

I *need* to make another zig zag.........

I went back through my archives of photos and came up with 9 zig zag quilts I have made so far.  The top left and the one to the right of it are made with blocks made of 2 rectangles.  One is a log cabin, one a quarter log cabin string block, and 5 are made with 2 triangle squares.
This is the next one that I just have to make.  I have seen it on many blogs but after Sujata posted her quilt AND full directions for the 2 blocks needed, including pressing directions I knew I wouldn't wait any longer.  I have only sewn blocks from the triangles I already had cut so a lot more variety will be added.  Here is another on Nifty Quilt's blog, and another one
When I was cleaning off the longarm table I came across all of the hand dyed fabric by Vicki Welsh from her stash packs.  They are fat eighths so you can get a lot of variety and just a little of each. (I bought several packs.)
After cutting triangles from them I have pieces this size left over to use in another project. 
Here are the first blocks I made from the hand dyes and I have a lot more variety yet to sew.  Now if you are shaking your head and wondering why I didn't just make 20 blocks for the first quilt, well for me the excitement is seeing how a group of fabrics work in a pattern.  I used to make up several small samples for a class so people could see the project in different kinds of fabrics.  I can see I like both of these groups so I'll continue both of them and they will probably be lap size quilts.  I have 4 queen size tops waiting for quilting so I don't need any more that big.  One of these may make it to twin size.  We'll see.....


  1. That is going to be a stunning quilt!

  2. I've book marked those sites too. I love the block and the quilt!
    Zig zags are so vibrant. It's going to be pretty.

  3. I like them both, but Vicki's hand dyes are my favorite set.

  4. You Go-Girl. If you need to go for it. I am not going to stop you for sure. They way I go at things I am sure not the one to say don't Chris

  5. Gee Wanda, I could use a new lap quilt and love the look of those hand dyes. Missing from your collage is a little mug rug sized zig zag that you displayed in NC. Did it sell, because I was fixated on it for months?

  6. Wow! Your collection of Zigzag quilts is amazing! And the ones you are working on are going to be spectacular! Looking forward to their progress.
    Yeah, a mug rug would be nice ;0

  7. It is amazing the variety of zig zag quilts you have made! Now I need to give you a hard time - how many still need quilted? LOL! I have seen the post on Nifty Quilts and love the zig zag, but I am not sure I would have the patience right now to make one.

  8. Be still my heart! I love how your blocks are coming together. I have a zig zag quilt on my wish list too and had also planned to use the stash packs. I have too many quilt on my wish list!

  9. Your quilts are always so beautiful and it will be fun to watch you make another zig zag quilt! Vicki's fabrics are beautiful too!

  10. Wow on the number of zigzag quilts. I am going to do this too. I had decided and then I did not have the energy...but now...I will just do it the Nike way!! You have inspired me.

  11. Totally understand the excitement factor and the eureka of discovery/process. Love watching you work!

  12. You know, usually I'm not crazy about the HST zig-zag quilts, but I LOVE your new one and the one done by Sujata! The color transitions are really cool! I'm making a bunch of HST's that might find a new use . . .

  13. Would you believe it...zig zag is next on my list too. Ver interested to see you fantastic variety. Love them all, but the log cabin is beautiful.

  14. I really like your collection of zig-zag's best. Will be checking in as always to see the new ones completed.

    And I too like Vicki Welsh's fabric.


  15. Love all your zig zag quilts but especially the one with the black squares!

  16. Nice. I have not tried a zig zag quilt yet. The quilt shop that I frequent has a very large zig zag block in DS Flea Market Fancy. So cute. I like how colorful your quilt tops are.


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