
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A little more zig zag........

I made 8 more hand dyed blocks yesterday and  I have 15 more pairs waiting to be sewn into blocks.  The layout will probably change many times by the time I get all of the blocks done.
I only did 2 more blocks for this group but also have 15 pairs ready to sew into blocks for this one.  I will concentrate on the hand dyed one this month and probably won't report on it again until Monday.  I have company stopping by on Saturday and I promised myself that I would have all table tops cleaned off.  I really need an incentive to get it done.  I only have a couple things still on the dining room table, the kitchen table is almost cleaned off and my cutting table is about half way there.  My other goal yesterday was to get to bed at a decent time.  Midnight is just too late!
I have listed some mug rugs for sale in my blog shop (right side bar).


  1. Both of these pieces are coming along great! I need to invite company - does my house ever need cleaned!

  2. The hand dyed fabric gives them a painterly quality. Very pretty!

  3. Wowie! Your zigzag is really exuberant, like all of your quilts. I love your color combinations. It reminds me of the sun shining through a beautiful stained glass window.

  4. Midnight? I was reading last night and went to bed at 3am! But I have suffered today and won't be in a hurry to do that again. Matter of fact, it's nearly 10:30 so I will be going to bed very soon!

  5. They're looking amazing, the top one reminds me of an impressionist painting.

  6. I love that orange/teal one in the 4th row.

  7. Oh my gosh! Look at you go!
    I love the mix of these colors!

  8. Good Lord, Wanda...I am feeling pressure...great job

  9. Wow, those are beauties, and that batik one is especially rich. I had never seen zigzags used this way until you posted about it. I like, I LIKE !

    You've got me checking out batiks sales like I never did before !

  10. It is fun for us to see all your zig -zag combinations. And thanks for yesterday's tip on the throat plate. All these years of sewing and didn't know that !

    Did you make to bed before midnight ? Bet you were in bed at least by 11:45 p.m. (*._,*)


  11. Both projects are beautiful. Especially the first one. Love those rich colors. Now you have me wanting to make a Chevron Quilt. And buy more batiks :D

  12. They both are going to be beautiful! Love the green in the fourth block down on the left in the first group.

  13. Hi Wanda,
    Wow, those zig zags just jump right out of the computer screen!. You may have already played with this idea, but you could put both groups together; I think it would work!
    Love the yellow polka dot!!
    Vicky F


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