
Friday, August 10, 2012

24 blocks........

Yesterday I finished sewing the last 10 blocks.  I had to move a third design wall over to be able to get all of the blocks of both quilts up.  I have the identical block designs in the same position on both quilts.
Then I decided to move 2 blue fish blocks to the quilt on the left and 2 gold fish blocks to the quilt on the right.  I'm not sure this is the final layout but at least I have all of the blocks up where I can see them together.
I needed to do something different last night so I trimmed the 50 crooked cobblestone blocks that I have made in the last 2 months.  I think I have over 200 now to play with.


  1. I do like the idea of adding the gold to the blue top and the blue to the gold top.

  2. You are making great progress with these twin quilts. Also sewing all your crooked cobblestones. Glad to see how far you have gotten. Chris

  3. Wow, you are really moving along! I love the two quilts!

  4. Gosh you work quickly! Those twin quilts look great. So nice to have a space where you can see both. Love your cobblestones! Have fun playing.

  5. I like how these are coming together! Such a great idea when you have a pretty large focal print you don't want to cut up into small pieces.

  6. Your productivity continues to inspire! And I'm a sucker for fish quilts...

  7. You certainly get a lot done in 1 day!

  8. That is a lot of batik goodness.

  9. Twin quilts look great. Thanks for the tutorial. Have fun with your cobblestones!

  10. The twin quilts look wonderful. I can't wait to see what you do with the next 200 crooked cobblestones!

  11. Love these two quilts. They will be treasured for years to come. As always the fabrics are sensational. And what a great eye exercise looking for the two blocks you switched to the other quilt. I found the bigger blocks right away but had to search for those two smaller ones. (*._,*)


  12. Those are going to be two very striking quilts. I like the little touch of swapping a couple of the blocks.


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