
Saturday, July 14, 2012

No sew day........

Despite the lack of rain, the front garden looks pretty good.  It is overgrown and was due for a make over but because I was gone at the prime time to tackle it and then the drought set in, it's a good thing it was left alone.  Because it is so crowded, the small plants are shaded and doing well.  The tall ones are the drought resistant ones so they thrive too.
The black eyed Susan blossoms are pretty puny this year however.
As bad as the hostas look this year, they are still sending up flower stalks.  This one is in a pot and will get planted in the back garden in the fall before the first frost.
For the last few years I have been taking cuttings off my coleus plants in the fall and keeping them alive in water all winter.  Then in the early summer I plant them in pots and they become big bushy plants.  I could plant them in pots in the house but I'm usually too lazy to do it and they stay in the jar with a little water to cover the new roots for 7-8 months.
I got some cutting done for my kits yesterday but no sewing.  I think I need to spend a day working on my Wonky 1-5 pieces.


  1. my black eyed-susans did nothing this year but die back! I couldn't believe the plants themselves hardly grew, I wonder if they will come back, I had no flowers at all from them. Your garden looks great.

  2. My black eyed susans are nothing to brag about either, this year. What did the best was the blue hydrangea bush. But it really took a beating from the heat the week of July 4th.

  3. Your flowers look so pretty in spite of the weather.

    Your minis turned out beautifully. The colors are so well blended.

  4. Beautiful flowers, Wanda, would love to walk through your yard.

  5. The flowers looks good, in spite of the heat. I have been watering every day, but it's not always enough for the tomatoes. The flowers are doing ok, though.

  6. I hope you're getting the rain we're having here the last two days. And the temp made a big drop this afternoon too. It's almost livable up here in my place.

  7. I love that kind of chock-a-block garden. It looks so luxurious.

  8. Benign neglect plays a big part in my landscaping plan (or lack thereof!). Sometimes, it's really the best thing. Your plants looks great.

  9. Your garden is like your cloth color combos...bright and beautiful.

  10. Your garden is beautiful despite the lack of rain.

  11. My hostas and black eyed Susans look just like yours. I actually have less than half of the Susans I had last year. My Lillie's didn't look so good either.


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