
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mass of mug rugs.......

My art quilters group came yesterday and we had a lot of fun, ate a lot of cookies, had show and tell and enjoyed many projects that they were working on.  After they left I decided to put all of the mug rugs that are finished so far up on one of the double design walls.  I grouped the similar ones together.  I have 55 done and 5 more quilted waiting for binding.  Then there are another 10 waiting for quilting toward my goal of 100 for my solo show in NC.  I will be making some Kaffe Fassett fabric pieces next.

I'm going to add the class info again today for readers that don't visit every day:
While I am in Charlotte, NC for my solo show starting June 1 I will be offering 3 sessions of my color class. They will be held at Ciel Gallery and this link will lead you to the information. My class really helps you learn about the relationship of color and value. I would be honored to see some of you there. Also I will be available to chat 3-5 after the Sat. and Thurs. classes if you would like to stop by.


  1. Wow!! You are really cooking on the mug rugs! You will be to 100 before you know it!

  2. I'd like that 3rd from the bottom in the left hand column.....How will you price these, btw?

  3. These are so beautiful. Love love love the log cabin rugs in the bottom left corner. Interested in doing a trade??

  4. Wanda, that is a lovely collection of mug rugs. I hope you sell out at the show.

  5. beautiful collage! can't wait to see the Kaffe's-You do good work! ;-)

  6. OH, my. I will be in NC at the end of June: couldn't you just hand around for 20 -25 days and wait for me. I would love to see your show and maybe even take a class.

  7. So pretty. You are almost there.

  8. I had not had the chance to stop by the last week - you have made such great progress! The show will be here before you know it you must be so busy! I too am curious as to how you price mug rugs.

  9. It was a great idea to hang all the mug rugs together! What a variety! It would be hard to pick a favorite!

  10. What beautiful little works of art! They are too pretty to drip coffee on!

  11. How nice to see them all together - you HAVE been busy, haven't you? And making good progress towards your goal of 100. You go girl!!

  12. It would be really cool of the gallery could also display them like that and you could watch the mosaic transform as people take them off the wall to purchase them.

  13. I enjoyed seeing ALL of your mug rugs 'to date' that you have created. Love them all.


  14. Before I forget, I wanted to wish you luck in Charlotte. I am going to be in North Carolina next month too, teaching at the Symposium. No art museums for me though. Those little mug rugs look addicting. Dare I start?

  15. Great to look at them all together. You are so create and industrious. Love the mini rail fences.

  16. Love your mug rugs. They look fantastic all together like that.

  17. You have an exhibit of your artwork in miniature right there, don't you? They are just beautiful - each and every one.

  18. Oh, what fun to see all those gorgeous mug rugs together!! That's really more an exhibit of mini quilts! If they're displayed like that, I bet people just stop to stare and drink it all in!

  19. Yes, you do have a mass of beautiful, colorful mug rugs completed. Way to go.

  20. Wonderful colors on the mug rugs. You are a busy beaver. They all look wonderful and I am sure will make someone happy to own them.

  21. Wow.55 already! You are going to meet your goal!

  22. Hi, Wanda. this is really an interesting project. I'd be hard put to pick a favorite--they're all lovely. Good luck with the solo show!
    best, nadia


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