
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1/2 binding, cross seams, amaryllis.....

I have finished two sides of the hand sewing on the binding.  Now I need to cut the hanging sleeve and get it sewn on the top edge before I finish the binding on that edge.  I also sewed all of the cross rows of the new colorwash but I haven't pressed it yet, so no photo.

The first flower was open yesterday morning.  The second flower on the first stalk started opening around noon.  I caught it in photos 3 times yesterday to show the progress. I was wrong on my estimation that this would be a white flower with red accents.  It is the opposite, a red flower with white accents.


  1. Fabulous binding, absolutely gorgeous amaryllis!

  2. Good you are getting this done. Time is running out. I would be panicking. Chris

  3. That flower almost looks like a type of colorwash, huh?

    Yes....time is ticking. Here it is already MAY!

  4. Beautiful binding. The amaryllis is gorgeous -- what a fabulous colour!

  5. Lovely quilt, lovely pics... which I immediately saved to my desktop for "wallpaper of the week" - thanks again for your inspiration! See you in a month!

  6. "The Exuberant Color Production" is coming right along and living up to it's name.

    Loved the opening of your Amaryllis.


  7. Your quilt is so gorgeous!! Love the color.

  8. Oh...I soooo love your work!! Wish I could have some...sigh!
    The flower is gorgeous, too. I've had a few of these and always enjoyed them..they are just so majestic! Joan

  9. You are really doing well at your finishing up. And I've never seen an Amaryllis like that. It's a beauty. Glad you got progress shots of it.

  10. good job getting the rows sewn together...can't wait to see it all pressed!

  11. I love amaryllis. I asked for bulbs for Christmas - got 4 which I planted in pots. They all bloomed and then one died, but the other three will go in the ground tomorrow. 86 degrees in VA Bch so I need to be gardening not quilting. Love your quilts - they remind me of a Chelsea Garden Show.

  12. I'm not sure which I enjoy more... your flowers or the colors you put together on your quilts! I so wish I could take a class from you. Oh, thank you for bringing my husband on "just this side" of liking quilts!!


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