
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Photographing quilts....

Yesterday I spent 3 hours photographing quilts, some of them as many as 12 times to get a good photo with the quilt square in the photo.  If you shoot from too high or too low of an angle the quilt will not be straight in the photo.  Luckily my photo shoot was near the computer so I could keep running back to load the photos and see if I had a good one.  By last night I was ready for some mindless sewing so I pulled out the trays of 2" squares and started designing some mug rugs. 
They aren't pressed yet so they are curling up on the table.

I sew these the same way I sew my large quilt tops, rows 1 and 2 together, open it out and add row 3, etc.

I made the top of this mug rug last year and it has been yelling 'finish me' for a long time.


  1. Looking forward to seeing your color wash in progress. I have many projects that scream finish me!!

  2. I spent all day outside so I got nothing done. Today is an inside day her. Looks like you had fun playing. Chris

  3. I love your colorwash. I have some squares cut to do that with but they have gotten pushed to the back burner for now.

  4. I find it difficult to get a good picture of a large quilt. My house is too small. Last year I did a couple outside on the clothesline.
    I love the color wash mug rugs!

  5. I don't know why it is, but I never feel as though my day is complete without some mindless sewing. I guess it helps me relax. I love the mug rugs - especially the bottom photo - it kind of looks like there's an alien peeking at us. :)

  6. What a perfect use for those 2" squares!! Those mug rugs are going to be GORGEOUS!!!!!

  7. Those mug rugs are going to be so pretty I'd want to frame them nd hang them up!
    It is hard to get perfectly straight photos of quilts. Have you tried using a tripod?

  8. Love your color wash mug rug projects!

  9. christijowinter933@yahoo.comApril 3, 2012 at 12:06 PM

    I'm a day late in commenting, but I think the binding you put on the cross quilt is perfect--a nice frame, but a quiet, unobtrusive one. You have an excellent eye.

  10. Like trays of Easter candies, sewn together makes one pretty confection.

    Blooms are always so gorgeous.


  11. Hi Wanda,
    so how many mug rugs are you up to now? I think you may have mentioned that you may sell a few at your show?
    Love your rail fence mug rug-- wow!
    Vicky F


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