
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Preparing for class...........

I did manage to quilt 4 more stars in Sparkling Stars yesterday but a large chunk of time was spent gathering everything I need for the color class today and going to the shop to set up the classroom for 13 people.  Warm weather is supposed to be back starting today with 70s by the middle of next week.  It is too early to clean up flower beds in this area of the country most years but I think it might be safe this year. 
75 years ago today my mother and dad got married.  Mother passed away almost 3 years ago but they made it to their 72nd anniversary before she died.


  1. How wonderful that your parents got to spend so many years together. 72 years is certainly exceptional.

  2. I see you are off to play today. Have fun teaching your class. Chris

  3. you are moving right along on the quilting - I don't remember the date of the show but it must be coming up soon.

  4. Such long marriages are rare and wonderful.
    I hope your class goes well today.
    Our temperatures are going to be in the 70s this week. It have been an unusual fall, winter and spring here in NC.

  5. How wonderful that your family has such a great legacy of marriage! How blessed you are.
    This year we celebrate 50 yrs! :)

    I can't wait to see Sparkling Stars all quilted and finished. I'm sure it will be spectacular.

  6. I see Sue will celebrate 50 years as well this year,( Congrats in advance) We did in February. Wonderful for your Mum and Dad to reach 72 years, is that a record? For those parents who reached milestones there was usually a party, gifts, cards and speeches.Sparkling Stars will be so like its name, waiting to see it all done. Cheers from Jean

  7. Hi Wanda,
    I think I've mentioned this before, but I sure wish i lived a little closer in order to take a class or two from you! Sounds like you have a relatively big group today. Are any of them readers of your blog?

    Have fun in the warmish weather!
    Vicky F

  8. That's really neat about your mom and dad. Just think, in this day and age, very few will ever be able to count that many years of marriage. My folks were married 67 years when Dad died...and I thought that was a lot. 72 is really something to be proud of!

  9. I am sure your class today was filled with excited students.

    70 degrees two days in a row here in the valley and the warm temps look like they are traveling east. (*._,*)

    Your parents had a nice long marriage, so few of us make it that long.


  10. Seventy-two years is indeed an accomplishment. What a blessing. And it looks like you'll have a great class. Wish I were closer!

  11. What a wonderful length of time to be married and I love how you still remember it and celebrate

  12. 72 years of marriage is just amazing!
    we will have been married 32 in May.
    I couldn't clean out my flower beds if I wanted to ; they're still buried under several feet of snow.

  13. Your father must be very lonely without your mother after all those years.

    I was thinking about the flower beds also with the weather being warm all week. The daffodils are up about 5" and the iris are starting to do well also. Spring has Sprung!!! Now if we can just get the winds to calm down.

  14. 72 Years! Wow, that is wonderful. An amazing legacy.

  15. Wow - 72 years of marriage is amazing! I thought my parents at 68 years was pretty good, but very few people celebrate into the 7 decades together.

  16. Wow! That is amazing! 72 years! Younger people: look at this shining example!


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