
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Unwind time.....

We had a really busy day at the quilt shop yesterday.  When I got home I didn't feel like getting into a big project so I made a list of all the quilts I need to finish for my quilt show in June and then figured the sizes of batting that I needed to cut and determined which brand I am going to use on each.  I haven't used Warm and Natural for a long time but I remembered that I liked it in wallhangings.  It has a polypropylene sheet that the cotton is punched through so it is firmer and hangs straighter than the Hobbs 80/20 that I like in lap and bed quilts.  When I had all of that figured out I went through my drawer of presewn patchwork and found a few that were good sizes for mug rugs.  One more day working at the quilt shop today.

I have been thinking about the current obsessive trend that we have to use up all of our scraps.  I think I'm leaning toward cutting into my yardage so I can use the good, favorite stuff in my lifetime.  I remember the question we used to ask "Are you leaving all of the good stuff for your husband's next wife when you are gone?" and that helps me to remember I purchased the great fabric because I wanted to use it.  I think in 2012 I will concentrate on cutting into yardage and maybe bag up the scraps and sell them.


  1. Wow, that's a very good point about not hanging onto all the good and favourite stuff!
    This reminds me of my mom always using the chipped, ugly, cheap dinner service for meals everyday. I always think rather enjoy the beautiful, good quality plates everyday, instead of storing it in a dark cupboard, taking it out once a year for Christmas. Enjoy and make life beautiful everyday!

  2. Guilty! Yes, I am about saving the good stuff although fabric wise I don't have much yardage saved. I find myself making scrap projects in order to use up more of my stash and I know I'd be interested in purchasing bags of your contemporary fabric scraps.

  3. My Granddaughter says I will never use it all before I die. I don't know why they worry about it, but it is a survival thing for us. Us your favorites and enjoy them. Chris

  4. You're so right about using up the good stuff in our lifetime and enjoying it! I think we all tend to do the same thing. We're the generation that was raised to be frugal. I know I was.

  5. your new banner. Looks good.
    I am guilty....of being guilty about having so many scraps, guilty of having a lot of yardage, guilty of not wanting to waste /use /cut into the good stuff. We should proclaim this the year of enjoy the good stuff. Thanks for the insight.

  6. great idea you will make happy twice you and someone who buys your scraps.
    Have a nice week-end.

  7. I think you're on to something here...

  8. A terrific reason for cutting into all that fabric! I know you will make lots of fantastic quilts too!

  9. Very good reminder of why we have (are) building our stashes with fabrics we love. Sounds like you have been very productive despite working all day.

  10. My mood lifted enormously when I shifted my gaze from the scrap basket to the shelves of yardage. You go, girl! And I'll let you in on a secret: There are more scraps where those came from!

  11. Thanks for the reminder to USE the GOOD stuff!

  12. Love it.
    it will make it easy to cut into yardage know. Thank you so much!!

  13. It's humbling when you realize that you have been saving things for 'someday' and then you realize 'someday' is either now, or you aren't going to get to play. Thanks for the reminder!!

  14. yes you must use your good stuff - no other reason really to have it. I'm sure you could sell a lot of your scrap bags.

  15. I have used scraps and given some away, so now I am going for the good stuff! I plan on outliving my husband, and already know I will inherit my mother's stash (and OMG, that woman has TONS of 3 yard pieces!). Here's to playing with new fabric!

  16. I think it was Erma Bombeck who said that the one thing she would have done differently in her life was this: "I would have burned the rose-shaped candle." so hard to do! I still have the santa-head soap that mom had in her guest bathroom, and my sisters all covet it!

  17. Good morning, thanks for the wake up call!!! I'm so glad you made the point about using the "good" stuff... I love batiks but I always hesitate to use them because I like them so much. When you think about it, that's such a stupid mentality - I bought them because I liked them! I bought them to use, not store in a box - so why not?

    This year I'm going to challenge myself to use more of my "good" pieces - before they dry rot!!

    Today's secret word is "orsac" as in "Use what you have orsacrifice it to the dust bunnies"

    Is anybody else seeing "secret" messages in the verification word, or am I just ... special??

  18. We are thinking alike now. I just went through all my fabric and also decided to use the stuff that I have been saving for who knows what. I found an old quilt kit that I bought a few years back but the directions are gone but I love the fabrics. So I am going to use those next. Wish I was able to drive as I would love to come to the sale. Maybe I will get to the next one. Enjoy the day and stay warm.

  19. I like to think, it should be use up the scraps before I think about buying more. It sounds logical to me to use your yardage that you love.
    somebody will always want the scraps.

  20. Thanks for this reminder; you're so right.

    As someone once said: life is short, eat desert first.

  21. I just came to the very same conclusion. Scraps can never be used up.

  22. Thanks for the motivation to cut into the good stuff. I also grew up frugal and tend to keep saving my batiks, believing I'll have a better idea once I've used them. How ridiculous! I can afford to buy more. It has occurred to me I could die with my batiks untouched, they sell at an estate sale for pennies and someone does something really awful with them; I look down from heaven (I hope) and say, "Well I had a better idea than that!" You've thrown down the gauntlet challenging us hoarders to cut into the good stuff!

  23. Oh, Wanda, you say so many wise things and this post about scraps has to hit near the top of the list. My rearing was "use up the old stuff first" which is fine when considering canned food in the pantry, but if I do that with my stash, I'll be hating every quilt because it is from "why did I buy that fabric" pieces that were bought before I knew what I liked. Thank you, dear one.

  24. Thank you for the wake up call. I'm trying to cut up fabrics that I don't care for anymore to make scrap quilts. That's going to end. I'm going to cut up the pretty stuff I have been saving and USE IT!

  25. I think that is good advice, Wanda. And really, how many tiny pieces of fabric do you want to sew? Some things are really hard to let go, but I'm going to try to do better, too.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Most of the material that I use is recycled so I don't have much new material to use. So for me it's scraps.

  28. I feel the same way but I would be interested in the scraps you might be going to sell

  29. I'd buy a bag of your scraps, Wanda.

  30. Yes, I too am one who saves the "good stuff" for a really super duper project. But I am also a scrap user and I really enjoy making quilts from scraps, mine and anyone else's scraps. So saying that, put me on the list to purchase any of your scraps. I have a few purple scraps that you sent me. I have been using some of them in my scrap quilts and it makes me feel good to know that some of your fabric is in my quilts. I also think 2012 is a good year to move forward. I am all for that!

  31. I like your thinking!! Using the good stuff is what life is all about!! And I love your mug rugs!! Very colorful!! Kris

  32. My 'provocative' question that gives me pause is: if I quilted at my current pace for 10 years, would I use up all my fabrics and scraps (which also cost $10/yd)?

    I need to pick up the pace. :-)


  33. Thanks for the wake up call, I must remember to treat myself to my own stash!

  34. Put me on that list to buy your bags of scraps too please! Your quilts are always beautiful! You have a point though about using the yardage that you love.

  35. I took a class with Ricky Tims in November of 2110 & he asked if we had a fabric stash or a collection? He explained that a stash is to use, but a collection is like a stamp collection - you just take it out every so often to look at it & then put it back away. A stash is much better to enjoy and use now. He was so right and so are you!

  36. Love the new header!

    I like playing with scraps but I, too, am determined to be less obsessed with them this year. And this shirt project will be my one and only -- I do prefer yardage!

  37. Go for it, I use my good stuff all the worth it.

  38. You've inspired me - I'm gonna cut in to some good stuff today! I do love my scraps, but mainly because they remind me of all that good stuff, so lets make more of them!

  39. I have no problem at all cutting into "the good stuff"... that's what it's for! To me, fabric is fuel for creativity, not a collectible. The only reason some of it sits untouched for too long is my tendency to acquire it faster than I use it up.

    To me the only difference between the fabric shelves and the scrap bins is piece size: it's all raw material for something.

  40. We need to use the good stuff in all areas of our life really! I recently had a big clean up of my linen cupboard and found dish cloths I have saved to use later from my kitchen tea (party before wedding to give kitchen things to bride). I have been married for 22 years so I think later is now! I have bought new cloths in between because I had forgot that these special ones were hidden away for 'later' so silly!

  41. The only way I'll ever get to make a Kaffe quilt is if I get lucky enough to buy your scraps. I'm excited for the oportunity. You get so many quilts done, I'm amazed. There are a couple of the Kaffe quilts that I want to make because yours are so gorgeous.

  42. What a great question!!!!! You will have lots of fun with YOUR scraps!


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