
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Two down, many to go..........

I got two of the QOV quilts quilted, one with meandering and stars, and one with loop-de-loop.  I will bind both of them with the blue stripe that is on the back of both and on the border of one of them.
After all of that quilting I needed to reward myself with some playtime.  I got out the box with the leftover crooked cobblestones and put them on the design wall to see how many I need to make to fill in.  I want to make some smaller pieces like the larger ones that will be in my show.


  1. Looks like you were busy. I didn't sew a stitch yesterday. I did get out and walk in the garage and got some exercise. 55 laps in my garage makes a mile.Going in to sew now. Keep up the good work. Chris

  2. We always need some play time!! I love what you are doing with those batik blocks. I really need to get in some fabulous playtime too....

  3. I just love your cobblestone pieces. Approximately how big are you hoping this one will be?

  4. The QOV quilts are beautiful! The red and navy really pop against the white. The cobblestone piece is very cool. I can see that it won't take you long to finish this piece.

  5. You've had too many "have tos" and not enough "want tos" so play, play, play is in order! Have a wonderful time playing with your crooked cobblestones. Can't wait to watch the progress!

  6. I love those batik blocks - I wish I had time to play today and the rest of the week, so much up in the air right now with mom in hospital.

  7. Your playtime looks like a great reward for the beautiful finishes!

  8. QOV of Red, White 'n Blue will warm the hearts of those that receive them.

    Cobblestone fun ahead, I can see that in what you have already begun.


  9. I've never made one of the tesselating patterns, like your QOV. Seems like there would be alot of planning required. Do you draw out the quilt first to get the colors to align correctly?
    Love the stars!
    And I love how you have clustered the light and blue cobblestones. Can't wait to see what you do with that one.

  10. As usual, I have a big smile on my face just looking at your work. Those QOV's are so pretty. Someone is going to love those a lot, and the cobblestones - oh, my! Just gorgeous already.

  11. Love your crooked cobblestones! I've made a couple of similar quilts, but even though the blocks are all improv, they are all the same size. I like your varying sizes -- makes it truly crooked!

  12. I had many intentions of going in the sewing room today but just never made it but I see you have been busy as usual. Two quilts quilted and now onto the binding. Good for you!!!

  13. Your play time resulted in some wonderful blocks. It will be fun seeing this quilt come to life.


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