
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crooked Cobblestones day......

The Internet was back on this morning but I had errands to run before I could post.  I posted the last one from my smart phone.  It takes pretty good photos.  I made 39 new crooked cobblestone blocks yesterday and got them trimmed last night.
A couple of my readers insist that I must be very organized to get so much done.  I am organized to a point but have a lot of clutter and "where on earth is that ....." in my life.  I will explain my organization for the cobblestone blocks.  I keep all of the small pieces appropriate for them in one container, stacked flat so they don't get wrinkled.  I throw things in that container for months and then one day I sit down to make more blocks.  I organize the pieces by size to lay by my machine as I'm assembling the blocks.
When I'm done making blocks I usually organize all of the scraps that are left, again by size, and then bag them in the bin so only the new pieces thrown in will have to be sorted later.
All of the pieces that are appropriate for centers of new blocks are bagged separately.  Each of these piles is about 2.5" tall so that's a lot more cobblestones!
I keep yardage on shelves usually divided loosely by color, quarter yards or less go onto a separate shelf unit so if I need a small piece quickly I can search through that so I'm a little bit organized.  I don't stuff fabric all wrinkled into a bag or container and then have to spend hours ironing it.  I try to stack the small pieces flat and ready to use at a minute's notice.  This is how I get quickly into a new project. 

You can see photos of my stash if you go to my Label list on the sidebar and click on Stash.  You will have to go back into older posts to see all of it.


  1. You Wanda were born with those organization genes ! And it is your personality to organize in all you do. Plus for you to share how you do it all, has shown on your blog since the beginning. And fun for all of us to learn how to use those tips from you.

    Love your crooked cobblestone's.


  2. I do keep all my scraps flat and some by size but I'm not quite as well prepared as you. I'll keep it in mind.

  3. Love your crooked cobblestones! That sounds pretty organized to me.

  4. May I ask what you do with leftover batting? Do you save all and piece or only save certain sizes? I'm a new quilter and I'm starting to develop a little pile of batting. Thanks

  5. That's almost the same as I do. There is nothing more uninspiring and off putting than a bag of screwed up fabric scraps..... keep them flat and organised by size or colour. I think some people are organisers others not.

  6. Iv'e done cobblestones several times but not crooked cobblestones.
    Is it anything goes and then trimmed to size ?
    Yours look like rectangles
    Like you I love colour , the more intense the better .

  7. I keep saying I will organize my stash into cut pieces - squares and rectangles and I don't get around to it - I will one day!

  8. You are organized enough to be able to find the fabric that you need for the quilt you are going to work on. I in turn have to rummage through a few containers to be able to find what I want to use. Kuddos to you as you accomplish more in a short time than I will in a week.

  9. What a great way to organize. I'm not that well prepared.

    You are seriously making me want to make one of these crooked cobblestones. And I probably have enough of the batik scraps to do it.

  10. We organize much the same way, but my problem is time, or lack thereof. So many things organized and just waiting for me to make the time to play with them lol.

  11. I do think you've got a good system for dealing with your scraps. Keeping them flat is probably the key. I've got all my scraps smooshed in a bag, so if I want to do anything with them I do need to iron them. I may have to spend some time playing in the scrap bag this weekend!


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