
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Planning ahead........

This is my next selection for a stack and slash quilt.  I will use the floral print more often than the rest of the fabrics.  I may wait until after Christmas to start this one.

Yesterday my blogger friend was travelling through this area again so we went to lunch.  She was also looking for a fabric with a certain color group for a quilt she is making so I let her look through my fabric stacks and she found a couple possibilities.  She also had the fun of looking through my mug rugs for the one she would take home.  After she left I had fun rearranging the fabrics on one shelf.  I love grouping and restacking the fabric, very therapeutic.


  1. Beautiful choices. Today is going to be a pulling day for me. I have a pattern I want to start. Have fun doing your cutting. Chris

  2. I can't wait to see the quilt made with this selection - beautiful combination!

  3. sounds like you had a nice day - it is always nice to go out to lunch with a friend.

  4. Love the color choices. It sounds like you had a great day! I just love doing quilty stuff with a friend.

  5. what an absolutely yummy selection of fabrics.

  6. Those fabrics look so lovely together.

  7. Love the colors and fabrics you selected for this one. It will be just beautiful.

  8. That will make a gorgeous quilt. I love the colors.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful time yesterday.

  9. Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only one that liked stacking and re-stacking fabric.

  10. Oh, what a gorgeous grouping of fabrics!! I love putting groups of fabrics together too.

  11. You are so good at grouping colors!

  12. Hi Wanda,
    Great color combo. Bright and cheerful to work on for a grey winter day.

    So are you going to open your quilt stash for individual or group fabric pulling and sorting sessions? Business opportunity! Price of admission is one shady perennial plant.

    Keep warm!
    Vicky F

  13. What a great group of fabrics! Can't wait to see this one. But I will be patient until after Christmas

  14. Wanda ~ Those are a wonderful array of fabrics, spinning off of the floral. I hope you wait till the New Year. I am finding it my days are going faster than I want this year. I will have family here for a week and am looking forward to it.

    If I don't get a chance again... till the new year that is... I am wishing you a heart felt Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year.


  15. Your fabric selections are beautiful as always. You must be joined at the left hip with your sewing machine. LOL What in the world would we do without them?


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