
Monday, December 19, 2011

Mug rug collage and portraits.......

I think I am done making mug rugs for a few days so I decided to make a collage so I can see all of them at one time.  It is nice that there isn't just one size for them so I could use a lot of different size patchwork pieces.  A few people mentioned giving a mug with the mug rug and then the recipient can see the intended use.  A couple people mentioned that they can be used as candle mats too.

Batting scrap uses: dusting cloths, mug rugs, doll quilts, preemie quilts...........I might actually use up all of the batting scraps that I create.

I took the formal portraits of my last 2 finishes.  This flannel quilt ended up 60" x 69".
The denim/corduroy/flannel quilt has been washed and ended up 58" x 74".  It shrunk 6" in both directions even though all of the top fabrics had been prewashed.


  1. You are right, it is really neat to see all the mug rugs in one place! I do love your last two projects, quick and easy! Wow, 6 inches in both directions, that is amazing!

  2. I tried your earlier suggestion about using a batting scrap in my Swifter and was pleased. How much of the shrinkage do you think was the result of the batting shrinking versus the backing fabric? That seems like a lot.

  3. 6" in both directions! My flannel quilt is alreay small - I hope it doesn't shrink that much! Thanks for the warning!

  4. I just love your orange and black & white flannel quilt - both the pattern and the colors! And you've given me some ideas for next year's gift list - mug rugs with mugs. Throw in a few types of tea or coffee and you've got a great little gift!

  5. What a wonderful assortment of mug rugs you have created! I really like how the orange and black quilt turned out - beautiful! I'm surprised at how much shrinkage occured with your last quilt - especially with the top pieces having all been washed. Good thing it all shrunk evenly.

  6. Normal quilting fabrics when quilted can shrink 2-4 inches after all the stitchiing and the shrinking of the batting. The type of fabrics you and I have used recently can continue to shrink even more after many washings. The mug rugs look fantastic. Chris

  7. I love the collage of mug rugs! Lovely colors.

    Your big finishes are delightful. I still love that orange one. 6" is a lot of shrinkage for fabric that has already been preshrunk.

  8. Wow....busy little Wanda....what great results on the mug rugs!!

    Your two quilts are simple designs but very effective and show-ee in appearance. I certainly would take both of them!!!!

    VERY cloudy with good easy rain this morning, it's just almost dark in here it's so cloudy!

  9. You are on a roll with all these finishes.

  10. I also use my mug rugs under plants or a vase of flowers on my kitchen table.

  11. How fabulous to see all those mug rugs together! They are gorgeous.
    I love the orange and black quilt -- it really makes me want to look at all the different black and white prints you used in it.
    A six-inch shrinkage in both directions? Wonder if it's true that one should wash flannel twice and in hot water?

  12. Now I must make some mug rugs, or maybe placemats, from my scrap bin. The pastel scrappy-strip ones are especially nice.

  13. christijowinter933@yahoo.comDecember 19, 2011 at 7:13 PM

    Once again, you have inspired me with your projects (will have to make some mug rugs!) and your work ethic! The 6" shrinkage in your denim/flannel quilt just brings out the quilting designs better. Someone will really use that quilt and be glad for it on cold winter nights. I know I would!

  14. I have missed several posts. We just returned from an early Christmas with our daughters family in Seattle.

    Seeing todays post has 'summed' all those posts I missed. THANK YOU !

    Absolutely LOVE the 'mug rugs' ! I wonder if I can whip up a couple before Christmas ? Yours are as always... Wandaful !

    Black, Orange and White... just stunning ! Denim/Corduroy/Flannel finished up with visual comfort and I know it will feel as cozy also.


  15. Those Mug Rugs make such great gifts and look soooo neat. I especially like your flannel quilt--something about the orange/red with black and white.
    Happy holiday stitching!
    best, nadia

  16. Your mug rugs are so wonderful. You inspired me - I've made 2 so far, and 1 more to make for a friend. Thanks for the inspiration!


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