
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Flannel quilt decisions.....

I chose the narrow border, the wide border and sewed the piano key yardage which I sliced into 5" strips.  I was using up all of the leftovers so I couldn't make it any wider.  I have a few strips leftover which I'll sew into a smaller section to sew in at a couple random spots in the wide border. The narrow border will go all around the triangle section and also at the outside edge of the piano key border.  I had only intended on putting the wide border on the 2 sides but I may change my mind and put it all the way around.  I like to design as I go.  If I knew exactly what it was going to look like I wouldn't have any incentive to make it.  The triangle section is 54" x 60" so my decision on the border will based on the size I decide it should end up plus the visual appeal.  Part of the backing will be the same print as the wide border but with a red background.


  1. Looks great. I like the idea of the piano keys on all sides. Chris

  2. This looks well as soft and cuddly. The piano key border at the ends make a great extension for size and just 2 sides gives good visual appeal. either way it will turn out great.

  3. love this piece! I recognize some of those flannels. There's nothing as warm as a flannel quilt and your colors and design are beautiful.

  4. I love the look of this quilt.

  5. Your statement, if I know what it is going to look like, I have no incentive to make it is so true. Designing as you go is so much more engaging

  6. That looks really nice. It has such warm colors in it too.

  7. I like the colors you chose for the borders!

  8. christijowinter933@yahoo.comDecember 27, 2011 at 12:00 PM

    I like to design as I go, too. Part of the fun is the "what if I do this?" portion of designing.

    Your flannel quilt looks so cozy!

  9. I am still a new quilter but I prefer designing as I go too!

  10. I am really liking how this one is progressing. And "design as I go" does sound a lot better than what I know I do - which is muddling. LOL

  11. For some reason I see animal prints when I glance at this. I like the colors, quite subdued for you though.
    I too like to create as I go. It is more exciting during the process that way.

  12. I love the moose 'n bear print ! Why wouldn't I ? I REALLY like the photo you posted today... piano key border top and bottom and Montana print on the sides!

    Will be anxious to view your final design. I know I will love what ever you do.

    And thank you for the Kringla recipes... printed them out soon as I saw it. I will wait a few weeks before I go into cookie production again.


  13. The piano keys are a great idea. It's so much fun to see you make it up as you go! This is going to be a soft, warm, cozy, "cuddle" quilt!


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