
Saturday, October 1, 2011

September is gone.........

Where did September go?  This year is flying by........    Last night I sewed 6 more rows.  They aren't pressed yet so I didn't sew them onto the first 10 rows yet.
A friend came over to play yesterday morning so I pulled 2 red stripe fabrics to audition for the border before the last 2 rows of 16 patches.  You can see I stole some 16 patches from the center to simulate the borders.  The stripe on the right tends to be to the burgundy shade in the dark areas with red as the lightest.  The stripe on the left has some gold in it in addition to reds.  Click on the photo for a better look. 
Last night when I was down there sewing I kept looking at it and wondered what the 2 stripes would look like together.  That might be too wide of a separator before that last row of 16 patches.  I need to try it reversed too, with the dark stripe first and the narrow stripe second.  If only one gets used for the separator border the other could be used for binding......just thinking out loud here.


  1. My eye went right to the darker fabric for the border strip. But I do like the look when there are combined. Would a skinny gold/red strip on each side of a wider dark red/burgundy strip be too much? I just love the quilt so far!

  2. I also like the darker stripe for the border ... and also the idea of using the other for the binding.

  3. I really do like the darker stripe with the quilt. Although the stacked border may do as well. But definitely use the darker one in the quilt.

  4. I don't know if I have already said it, but I love your cross quilt.

    I am undecided on the border fabric

  5. I love your cross quilt! I have actually cut some fabrics and arranged them on a temporary display board. I know I should be finishing other things, but these crosses just seem to be calling me.
    I would go with the darker fabric for the border.

  6. Getting back from the quilt shows how much better the darker stripes show up. I do like the stacked border as well. Using the narrower one for the binding is a good idea too! Great to have many sets of eyes on a project.

  7. christijowinter933@yahoo.comOctober 1, 2011 at 8:30 AM

    I like the darker (wider stripe) for the separator border, and the lighter (narrower stripe) for the binding.

  8. I love the 32 patch and think it's a perfect quilt to be working on for Breast Cancer Awareness screams pink and hope and good energy to me!


  9. I love your sense of color and how it all works together in whatever you make! I like the one on the right with the wider stripes as I think the scale of the stripe is better with the blocks and then use the other for binding. I'm looking forward to seeing that one finished:)

  10. I love it when you open a door for comments... I learned long ago to keep mine to myself. Because you are the designer and always come up with the perfect outcome. BUT I enjoy reading what other opinions are and most are not bashful.


  11. The sixteen patch is a real beauty! I am enjoying watching it evolve. Karmen

  12. Love this cross quilt still! I like the darker one and the stripes in it.

  13. I, too, love that you ask for comments. No matter what you decide, I still appreciate hearing what others think and why. I also like that you post the process--not just the 'product'(finished quilt). It is helpful to newbies to see how a quilt evolves--thanks!

  14. Both of these quilts are so pretty. There is something so honest about the simple geometric shapes. I really like the two border fabrics together.


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