
Saturday, October 22, 2011

My shady back yard.........

About a week ago my neighbor back to back with me, to the west, told me they were going to have all 7 of the tall walnut trees taken down.  Most of our storms come from the west and they were afraid of the trees landing on my house in a storm.  I have a ranch style house and the trees were very tall.  This is the view from my kitchen window looking to the south, through a redbud tree to 2 of the walnut trees.
This view is straight west showing 4 walnuts and a maple tree.
The tree guys came sometime before I got home from the quilt shop at 1.  They had already cut down the maple tree which I thought was on my property.  When I investigated though I found that it was right on the lot line.
This is what my back garden looked like most of the afternoon.
Two of the last three trees.   They left this part to do last on all three at the end of the day.  The sun was shining too bright to take a photo of the naked back yard when they left and I had to leave to visit Dad and didn't get back until dark.  I'll take a photo this morning and post it later.  My neighbor told me there is a big hole in my garden where one or more of the heavy sections dropped down.  I can empty all of my porch pots into the hole since I was getting ready to dump the dirt anyway.  I was thinking about making curtains for my large window in the kitchen and now I know I will have to do it.  I have had shade on the west for a lot of years and hadn't put up curtains the past 15 years.  My peonies might have more blooms now because they will have full sun for the first time in years.
I sewed the last five 16 patches last night but haven't put them up on the wall yet.  I have 2 of the oldest of Kaffe's fabrics in the top 2 blocks and one of his newest in the bottom left block.


  1. I'd be crying at the loss of the trees, the shade, the privacy, and the birds, but I love my shady back yard and am grateful that cutting anything down is my decision alone. There are some positive outcomes, so it's good that you've chosen to focus on those. Love the quilt blocks with Kaffe fabrics!

  2. Wow! what a huge change. What a bummer for all those trees to be gone.

  3. I would have been horrified!! I love trees and love the privacy they give. Yes I know there have been more storms in recent years - or so it seems - but why cut down trees for what "might" but maybe will "never" happen? Our neighbors across the street (their trees do nothing for us so it didn't concern us) lost one tree two years ago in a storm and they had a tree service come in and take all of their trees down "in case it would happen again." I love the shade trees give and the privacy and will deal with fallen trees when and if it happens.

  4. I like that you are finding positives in what might be deemed as a big negative. Could you consider planting some fast-growing trees on your side of the property line? Poplars & willows spring up very quickly. (Although the "tree" rule is that slow-growing trees tend to live longer; your neighbors maybe should have left well-enough alone...!)

  5. How awful to have cut down all those trees and for you to have lost your privacy. It's great that you're being positive and the peonies will definitely love more sunshine. Looking forward to seeing your quilt. Kaffe's fabrics certainly stand the test of time - they're all so beautiful.

  6. What a loss I only ope they saved the trunks for woodworking.
    But sunshine is good too.
    Love the red and green square.

  7. Gosh, that's a big change. I guess it is what it is though. You don't need a tree through your roof. But I know you will miss the trees. A couple of years ago our next door neighbor cut down an entire woods that was between his house and ours. It was so sad. He built a fish pond...that didn't hold water. Oh well.

  8. Wanda, this is a great opportunity to enhance your garden by either trees/bushes of your choice or perennials. Large trees are great for privacy and shade, but they do become weak and have problems as they age. As a property-owner with many large trees (planted by my grandfather), we don't relish when the time comes and one has to be felled...but safety comes first. My guess is that your birds will stay, afterall, you feed them!

    On a quilty note...your sunny, warm quilt will look great with the additional blocks. Looking forward to the reveal.

  9. Oh my. I have a shady backyard and love it. I have maples, oaks, catalpa and hickory and I love the shade they provide. We have already lost all but 2 trees in the front because they weren't protected when the house was built. Most of my trees are 50 to 75 feet tall, they might get trimmed but not cut down.
    Maybe you can plant some of your volunteer trees there next year.

  10. I've planted castor beans by the west windows for the past 2 years since the shade tree there came down in a storm. the bean plants quickly grow 15' tall and are annual, so you can stop having them whenever you stop planting them. the leaves are huge and are providing much-needed shade until other trees I've planted get big enough. if you need some seeds, I have plenty I can send you. and if you ever want to meet an ogre, you can climb the bean stalks (I haven't tried this).

  11. I find it sad about the trees, but I do know about the safety from storms. I hope your house doesn't heat up a lot now that they are gone. Did they leave any walnut trees?

  12. Sad! We have large trees in our neighbors yard and I wouldn't think of asking them to cut them down. Thats why we have insurance.

  13. There have been a few trees cut down around us - it takes some getting used to that extra expanse of sky!

  14. interesting comments. I would have to be there to know if I would be sad or glad. But, it wouldn't make a difference since you had no control. Didi's comment is going to send me looking for Caster Bean Tree seeds. I want to see what they look like.

    Love your fabric choices on the patches.


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