
Thursday, October 20, 2011

9 more blocks.........

I got 9 more blocks sewn while watching TV last night.  I only had to rip out one seam where I was sewing a piece from the wrong block onto another.  I'm never sure if my combinations will be what I need when I'm choosing them so the test is always to put them up on the wall and see.  I may have to make some lighter ones. I wanted the ends to be darker but maybe it is too dark.  I'll be able to tell better when all of the blocks are sewn.

I have a hair cut appointment this morning and then I'm going over to the local quilt shop to help at her going out of business sale, another shop closing.


  1. Shops are struggling in certain areas. Good you will help. The blocks look well on the wall. Chris

  2. Your quilt looks fabulous. Very sad to see any business close.

  3. christijowinter933@yahoo.comOctober 20, 2011 at 6:34 AM

    While I love a sale as much as anyone else, I hate to see another quilt shop (or yarn store) go out of business. What fun would it be to buy ALL our fabric (or yarn) on line? You have to see in person, and also touch, before you know if the fabric (or yarn) is right.

  4. too bad the shop is closing - at least you have some others in your area I presume? The blocks are looking good.

  5. Very pretty quilt! I order about 1/2 of my fabric online because I'm 2 1/2 hours from the nearest shop.

  6. This quilt just gets more wonderful with each addition. The striped fabric really makes this quilt sing. It is a shame another quilt shops is closing. I am sure it was not an easy decision. Will you be coming home with some bargains?

  7. Every time you add to the quilt is becomes even prettier. We are losing another quilt shop too - the second one this year.

  8. It seems as though many shops are closing. I just hate to see that.

    I like the darker block myself.

  9. Sad to here another shop is closing.

  10. Oh Wanda ... I did not realize the blocks you showed us yesterday, would be added to your checker board. It is a GRAND piece to say the least. Love it !

    Guess I am not reading throughly enough. But I sure can see now and those additional blocks make that piece another of your' Wonderful~Wandaful' creations.

    Video of your daughters 'Ciel Gallery' was wonderful. Like you she has great talent. Watched it several times. (*._,*)


  11. Hi Wanda,

    nice Quilt. I like the colour.
    Its realy sad to see one store closing after the other. Its sad, but money is getting tide with a lot of people and the first we start saving is on our hobby.

  12. Gosh, another shop closing. We only have a couple of quilt shops left in our area too. It's sad to see them go. Your quilt top is looking amazing!

  13. Hi Wanda,
    I can see what you mean about the outer blocks being dark. A few lighter ones (like the ones in the middle) could add some sparkle.

    Your daughter's shop looks fun! The mosaic pieces on the walls remind me of wool hooked rugs in their coloring and blending (or quilts).

    Vicky F

  14. Those are so perfectly at home there. Another stunning quilt in the making.

  15. We've lost two shops in our city of 30,000 in the past 3 years. Unfortunately, this is not the economic climate to support the hobby shops, as Cookie mentioned above.
    I enjoyed the video of the gallery. It looks like it would be a great place to visit, and to work.
    I can always count on you to add variety and drama and exuberant color to projects which are just OK the way the rest of us are making them. Your checkerboard blocks together are a feast.


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