
Saturday, September 3, 2011

The whole group minus one.....

I have one more fabric to cut, a yellow one.  I was too tired to go back down and cut that one and take another photo.  I'm looking forward to next week when I can spend some quality time with these triangles.
I mopped the kitchen floor, brought the punch bowl down from the attic, pulled some more crab grass that is growing over the edges of the driveway and sidewalk, and ran errands yesterday.  We had 90s and tropical humidity the last couple days.  Storms are supposed to roll through tonight and drop the temperature 20 degrees.  It looks like it will be cool enough to have the windows open Sunday for the bridal shower.


  1. 3am and no rain yet. Hopefully it happens. Radar says it is North. The yellow will be a good addition. Chris

  2. It's looking really good.

    I have managed the introduction and front and back covers of KF book! So much inspiration that it made DD walk off and begin sewing - what could I do but join her?

  3. We are getting the heat and humidity today and the showers late on Sunday and into Monday, but a very cool week ahead. The triangles are looking fabulous!

  4. yes the weather will be changing - even here - the day we leave the weather finally cools off. That will feel nice for going across Oklahoma 70's are so much better than 90's or 100's.

  5. I am sure the yellow will be a great addition to the triangles.

    Have a wonderful shower. I know everyone will have a great time.

  6. christijowinter933@yahoo.comSeptember 3, 2011 at 8:50 AM

    As usual with your quilts, this one absolutely glows with glorious color. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  7. I am loving it so far! Can't wait to see your finish.

  8. Open windows and cool breezes sound wonderful right about now down here. Waiting for it!

    The triangles are so pretty. Will look forward to seeing your yellow additions.

  9. Thank you for 'Glorious Color' website. BUT they are sold out of the "tea cup" fabric that you show us on Wednesday (8/31/11)... I was disappointed but the pastel blue and yellow are still available.

    Talk about a L O N G hot summer, Sandwich sure has had one this year. I see it is 81 already and before noon yet !

    Hope it cools down for your shower. I know you have outdone yourself !


  10. Love the triangles and love all the work previously posted.

    We are in the same weather pattern and I can not wait for it to cool down.

  11. Love your triangles! Your diamonds looks great too. I have been 'sans computer' for a few days, so I am a bit behind in reading your blog entries. You have been busy! It has been hot here too, but that should change over the next few days. Hope your shower is a big success!

  12. OH yes....I'm feelin' for ya girl!!!
    Here's hoping you get everything ready and done for Sunday...then, have some fun!!!

  13. Well I finally got to play with some diamonds but I'm also anxious to make my 1000 Pryamids quilt too. These look great.

  14. Hopefully it will be a nice day for you. Our party last night got rained on in the afternoon but tents were set up so that Pig Roast was not ruined. There were about 100 in attendance and little ones running everywhere. A great time was had by all. I hope your shower turns out fantastic and the bride-to-be gets many great gifts.


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