
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Diamond day.........

We had a rainy morning yesterday so we didn't leave the house until noon when we met my son for lunch.  I got borders sewn onto 4 more diamonds while it rained.
Here is the whole bunch on the wall with the next batch paired up.                         We went to see "the Help" yesterday afternoon.  It was actually my second time to see it and I enjoyed it even more the second time.
Dad had the last of his antibiotics last night and he is getting a lot of physical therapy at the nursing home.  He is enjoying having all 3 of his children visiting him this week.


  1. Glad he is doing better. Hope you are enjoying your company. Diamonds really look great. Chris

  2. Glad to hear Dad is doing better. He's so STRONG!

    I have to tell you I had a dream about how to make the diamonds. I couldn't figure it out so I didn't sleep well. Dagnabit and this is the gawds honest truth. I mean, how to cut the dang diamond in the first place and all that. I'll go back and look today. Sheesh. Dreaming of working out a block in YOUR SLEEP. That's not my idea of fun.

  3. Glad to hear your dad is doing better and settling into his new home.

    Love those diamond blocks... just out and out love 'em!

  4. Sounds like your dad is on the road to recovery - so glad to hear it.
    Your diamonds are beautiful - each and every one!
    Haven't seen the movie, The Help, yet but loved the book!

  5. Glad to hear your dad is doing well.

    The diamonds are looking great!

  6. Glad that your dad is doing better.

    The diamonds look fantastic.

  7. We hope your Dad continues to improve.
    I love those diamonds. Such a cheerful quilt.


  8. Oh, that is so sweet that you were all there to visit with him while he knows about it. They can slip away so fast.

    And those diamonds are gorgeous! I just like seeing how you have paired them. I lvoe your matches.

  9. So nice to hear your father is holding his own. And wonderful for him to have visits from all 3 of his children.
    I love your diamond quilt- such great fabrics as always Wanda.
    My friend and I went to see "The Help" this afternoon. It was terrific- I loved the book as well.
    Happy quilting,

  10. glad your visits are going well. Love the diamonds - I have not seen that movie yet.

  11. I like your fabric combinations on the diamonds. It's going to be a lovely quilt.
    I'm glad things are stable with your father

  12. Love your fabric combinations.
    Makes me want to get out my diamonds and finish them
    Glad your Dad is enjoying family time.

  13. Your Dad is amazing Wanda! So glad to hear he is doing so well :o) Bless his heart..

    LOVE your diamonds girlie! Magnificent, lol! I just love that word :o) Amie in tn.


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