
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

While the space was available.........

The tables in the basement don't stay uncovered for long so I decided to take advantage of the 2 big tables pushed together and sew the binding on the queen size quilts.  The yellow and green one was quilted Dec. 31, 2009 and the Kaffe Trip Around the World was quilted in Oct. 2010.  I dreaded sewing on the binding so they were piled in my guest room.  I think I can finish the green one by machine but the other I will do by hand. 

More storms rolled through late yesterday afternoon so I pushed the pots in front of my garage out farther onto the driveway so they would get watered.  It was close to 90 degrees before the storms.  Now we have a few cooler days coming.

My 700,000th visitor came to my blog last night at 10:03 p.m. CST.  They were from Bellingham, WA, 8:03 p.m their time, they have a Mac computer with Safari 1.3 browser and Comcast provider.  I don't know who it was but if you want to email me I might send you a small gift.  The town is not always exact, but sometimes just close.  I have the IP# too.
Added at 8 a.m.-no I'm not a computer whiz, Sitemeter gives me these stats, no personal indentification there so I don't know who you are unless you tell me.


  1. WOW, you have crazy mad computer skills. You know more about your 700,000th visitor than most people know about their own footprint in cyberspace. You can even tell they used a MAC - I am seriously impressed!

  2. wow, you can keep something for good, dont you. Quilted in 2009 and 2010. Im happy for you to have put the binding on. I never finished the binding with machine I always did by hand. Have fun.


  3. We are getting your weather today and my flowers are saying... Ahhh!

  4. You certainly know a lot about computers!!! WOW!!
    I wish you would have a couple of storms to cool things off - it's supposed to be 108 here today. Thank goodness for A/C and for sprinklers that water everything automatically :)

  5. I'm so amazed at your productivity!! Wow. Keep up the good work; it inspires the rest of us!

  6. That's a lot of visitors - you're a popular lady! Congrats on finishing the big quilts, I'm always inspired by how much you complete. Crazy weather here in California too.

  7. Those both look so pretty. I love all stages of quilt making, but when I sew that last stitch and it's really finished - that's the best. You will post the finals of these, won't you? I love to see your work. And we are getting a little rain this morning. Glory to God!

  8. I am kinda close to Bellingham (about 9 hours east) and I have a Mac computer ... Does that count ?(*._,*)

    I saw on the news Chicago got hit with a storm last night and closed several flights out of O Hare. It looked like the same low pressure system we had for several days and it stayed for 2 weeks just would not get out of the mountains, but finally we sent it onto you midwesterners.

    I can certainly see how your double tables helped with your binding.


  9. We got a bit of that storm, but it wasn't too bad here. Lots of rain, though.

  10. The storm wasn't bad out here but my son lives in Downers Grove and they had a tornado but he said it wasn't too bad by him. I had one broken pot that got blown down and another one on its side but that was it. The couple of cool days are a very welcome treat.

    Wow, that's a bunch of visitors. Everyone must like your blog as much as I do.

  11. Hey! you're having binding week without me! Glad you are getting it done, though! :)


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