
Saturday, June 11, 2011

A busy day.......

I finished 5 more blocks at the end of the day.  I started the day with cutting more batting, piecing more backings and other misc. things.  I'm on the last side of the hand stitched binding that I'm working on.

Here are all 8 finished blocks.  I haven't made any of the pieced sashing strips yet.  Although I like it without sashing too, there are too many colors and it would look splotchy.  The sashing will actually soften it.


  1. You made a lot of progress. The colors really are working well together.Can't wait to see the finished quilt. Chris

  2. These are looking good. Love the optical illustion from the dark and light....and the sashing will help the smooth it all.

  3. They are looking great! I think your are right though, the sashing will look fantastic and really soften the look.

  4. These blocks are so incredible... you're making great progress!

  5. Love the blocks! I think I'd reconsider the sashing-- I just realized they're like piano keys. Do you remember how long it takes to make a border of piano keys? Yikes! Well, it will be worth it.

  6. I love these blocks, what size did you make them?

  7. Great blocks, I have said it so many times before but I love your selection of color and fabric. A simple but effective use of color and design.

  8. Those blocks look great together.
    love them.

    hugs Kerstin

  9. This will be one cool quilt! I love it already.

  10. These are pretty blocks, I notice your centers are different for each block and your colors are bolder than his... or maybe it's because of the sashing. I look forward to seeing the finished quilt which, at the fantastic speed you work, will probably be Monday!! :o)


  11. I'm just loving how this one is going. Love the contrast & colors, but yeah, sashing will soften it up nicely. Love it!

  12. They look fabulous without the sashing so I can imagine what the sashing will do to it.

  13. They're beautiful -- so vibrant! I can't wait to see them with the sashing.

  14. These are gorgeous! I love them!

  15. You have been busy on the yucky day. I also have been at the sewing machine adding the sashing to my crazy pieced quilt as you go squares. It was a good day to sew. I love your squares for this quilt. I can't wait to see the finished project.

  16. Your blocks are so colorful. Love it, love it, love it!

  17. I love your blocks. Can't wait to see it with the sashing. How big are your blocks?

  18. Dang Wanda, You sure do make the prettiest blocks! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog.

  19. absolutely Wanda-perfection - as usual!

  20. AH-ha I see I can send a comment using Saturday's comment. Could not get in to leave a comment for today. (6-12-11)

    I REALLY like this piece you are working on now. And the sashing you showed today is wonderful. This has become another of my favorites.



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