
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Audition time.........

I spent the first half of the day working in the attic, finally getting to the vacuuming stage, and when the sweat started running into my eyes, I came back down.  I laid out groups to sew for the sashing.  My electrician came and put up 2 new lights in an area that has been too dark to take good photos.  After visiting Dad I came home and sewed the groups that I had laid out while my electrician was here.
That yielded 11 new sashing strips which I put up on the design wall.  Then it was time to audition the corner squares.  I thought I wanted the red dotted fabric, but when I went to get it, I saw the green and thought it might work (red at the top, green on the bottom).
Then I thought maybe both, alternated.  I'm not sure about either so I'll keep looking through my fabrics.  You might not remember, but in the book Kaffe made little pinwheel blocks for the corners.  It is supposed to get hot Fri. - Sun. so I will sew in the cool house.


  1. It works, but if you aren't pleased look further. The extra lights always help. They say as we get older we need more light to see properly. I have a portable OTT light I use all the time. Stay cool. Chris

  2. I think out of the two, I like the red best. But what about black? It is looking super fantastic!

  3. Although red is not my favorite color it seems to be my favorite so far. Possibly there is more of that colorway in the quilt and it picks it up.
    I do the same thing on warm days(ours are not as hot as yours though. I stay inside.

  4. Blocks are looking great, I'd audition black as well that might be striking-might not. I have to see it first. I always like this part of the design wall process, except when it goes on and on and I can't decide :).
    Your attic work is reminding me that we have to go up in not looking forward to that, I'm sure its a bajillion degrees up there by now.

  5. Your quilt is looking great! I think the red looks good, but you're the judge. It's going to be a hot, long weekend here too.

  6. I agree with Jackie and Diane; I'd try black. I think it would make all the colors pop. But you never know until you try.

  7. looks great - so much color!! nice to have more lighting!

  8. I like the green. Something about it makes the blocks and sashing seem to float on top of a (barely seen) green background. Probably something about cool colors receding.

    And it's a bit of a "rest stop" for the eyes, which I think is a plus, here. Some quilts need a zinger or two. Not this one.

  9. I like the way it's turning out and I think I like the richness of the red. Staying in and sewing in a cool studio sounds like a fabulous idea!

  10. Between those two choices, I'd pick the red. I can't help but think about a deep grey or a black, though.

  11. The red really pops! The green calms it down a little. Is that what you want?
    I'm not really looking forward to close to 100 degrees -- it might be time for a dip in the lake! Stay cool!


  13. So many decisions!!! I can't wait to see what you decide.

  14. The way you have them on your design wall with the white background, appeals to me, although I would think black would work too. I love everything about your design!

  15. I hope you have a fun quilting weekend! I'm heading to the river in a few hours for 5 days of quilting too!

  16. I really like the red corner squares. It adds a pop that pulls it all together. This is going to look fabulous!

  17. I personally like the green best. I don't mind the red but I vote for green. I don't like the alternating red and green, though and although everyone seems to think that gray or black wouldbe very striking, I think it might be too stark and not blend well.

    No matter what you choose I think this is looking just great so far. You are doing a great job.

  18. I enjoy reading all the above opinion comments... we all look at colors so differently don't we?

    It is such a fun piece I know you will decide the perfect corner squares.

    Company arrives on Saturday... you may not hear from me for several days...


  19. Wow, that quilt is gorgeous!
    I like the green and red mixed, but it would be interesting to see some black prints in those spots too. Thanks for sharing the design wall phase, my favorite part.
    Stay cool.

  20. I do like the red, but that might be because it is my favorite color. I was going to suggest black, cause it does make all other colors pop, but I see there are a bunch of others ahead of me who agree.
    Supposed to be 104 here on July 4, but we are a dry heat - I hope by then we are. We just had an all day rain on Tues.(very unusual here to have rain after April) so we could have that awful humidity that you have in the Midwest. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the holiday!

  21. Hmmm, I say "keep looking." The red or green will be okay, but you want better than okay. Dark/black has lots of commenter votes, but have you tried going lighter/brighter with one of the yellow-green tones you've got in there?

  22. Have you considered dark brown? Looks like that's the darkest of the fabrics in your blocks, and it might be worth trying. I also like Stephanie's suggestion above to try a yellow-green, as in some of the blocks.
    No matter what you choose, it'll look fantastic.

  23. I am with you. I will be staying in working on quilts in this heat. Thank God for air-conditioning. After all these years I still remember no air-conditioning as I was growing up. Part of that growing up was in Florida in the summer. I love you fabulous choices of color in the quilt that you are now working on. Stay cool!!!

  24. That's a pretty busy quilt, so I like the boldness of the red to stand up to it. Contrasty pinwheels could be nice as a change of shape, but I like the pow of the straightforward red squares.

  25. Busy lady!
    if I were to pick one, I prefer the green over the red. But I also like the half and half look. Not checkerboarded though. I can see how those blocks give a spot of rest.


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