
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Aggressive or invasive?

Isn't this plant pretty?  That is what I thought when I bought 2 plants a few years ago.  Now it has taken over my front garden and is displacing many other plants.  It sends shoots across underground and I'm not having any luck getting rid of it.  It's growing in the periwinkle vinca now.  Between these 2 and the bindweed that wraps itself around everything in sight I have a real mess out there.  96 degrees 2 days in a row so I'm not out fighting it right now.


  1. Not worth getting in trouble with your health. Today is suppose to be almost as bad. Today is pillow making day at my house. Stay cool. Chris

  2. I planted some too awhile back and pulled it out. Pretty- but too invasive for the spot where I planted it.

  3. Yes, it is pretty, but I don't think it would be fun trying to tame it. Loving the heat too!

  4. OMGosh!! I planted one last year. Its so pretty and I haven't seen any shoots yet. Thanks for the warning.

  5. That is one of those plants that looks great in a big pot!

  6. what is it called? I can't grow anything, maybe I should try this!

  7. I have a licorice plant that has done the same thing and it has taken over everything even getting into the lawn.

  8. I have this in MY garden, too; also started with just two plants. Besides taking over EVERYWHERE, it STINKS -- I mean it really smells weird.

    If anyone knows of a way to get rid of this, please pass the secret along.

  9. I tend to get that problem with some plants too. It took me 3 years to completely get rid of the English Ivy I had planted because it was going to take over the patio and the porch! I finally got rid of that one and now I have a plant similar to your cream/green plant but different to try to get rid of.

  10. Wow, it is pretty. I don't think we have it up north here, but we have similar types.

  11. I need to go do some weeding myself but it's waaayyyyyy too hot today! Will dye fabric instead.

  12. I would hit the invading plant with a little Roundup. It does have a very pretty leaf - too bad it's so aggressive.

  13. Is that a form of kudzu? Stay cool in the heat!


  14. Plants like that should come with a warning label! I wonder if there are sneaky words to look for, like in a real estate listing.

  15. Hi Wanda,
    I can see why you were attracted to that plant--it looks like one of your quilts! But now it's overstaying its welcome.
    Maybe it's one of those plants you put where nothing else seems to grow!
    Keep cool.
    Vicky F

  16. I planted one of those plants in my garden a number of years ago. It kept coming back, but it was not especially invasive so I left it. It is completely gone now, but I think that is because of our cold winters. It's called a Chameleon plant.

  17. I have some of those aggressive plants too, but they are so pretty until they take over.

    Wow...that is some heat for you guys!!!

  18. When I moved in this house 20+ years ago there was some of the big leaf perennial vinca in the side yard. I thought that would look great around the house. Now it has taken over and I spend the summer digging it up!!

  19. It is pretty -- love the colours on its leaves. We're having a really hot day too today.

  20. It is a pretty plant but hard to get rid of. I spray it with weed killer and it still comes back.
    Best to get rid of it soon. It sends runners out underground.
    But wait until it is cooler.
    Mary Ann

  21. Sounds like a garden novel... a drama of the big guy over running the little guy... love and hate. You should write it... in your spare time... ha ha!

  22. Someone mentioned Round Up. This will kill whatever it touches, so take a tiny amount in a container and use a paintbrush or Q-tip and put a bit on the leaves. It will kill the whole plant, even others connected to it via the root system. But be careful! Round Up does not care what it kills.

  23. If you like the plant (it is beautiful) put it either in a pot or in a spot that drains really, really well- like a hill of sand- and dont' give it much water. Oh, and in the full sun. That'll slow it down a lot. It tends to go wild in warm, moist, semi-shade.

    I *want* to grow it up here, but it's too cold.

  24. Ivy. All types of Ivy out there, but it's terribly invasive. And the runners-- and you ought to see what it does when it grows on houses-- pulling walls down...etc. And, patches of it can be a breeding ground for rodents. I'm just full of good thoughts-- lol.

  25. This was mixed in the other groundcover when I bought my house. It has been really tough to get rid of. At one point, we thought we might have to kill all of the groundcover with chemicals to remove it. If you pull it out by hand, the smell is just awful, and involves lots of soap to kill it from your hands! Even through gloves. Four years later, it is still popping up.

  26. My husband's aunt planted mint amongst everything else in our front flowerbed. I love mint and would love to have it, but it takes over Everything.
    It is hard to get rid of something like this. Good luck!

  27. It is a pretty leaf but if it is that invasive, not so pretty after all. Years ago I planted a Passion flower plant that ended up going under the foundation of the house and coming up on the other side of the corner (I was on a cement slab). I thought I would never get rid of that one. Storms are on the way and cooler day tomorrow. It has been good stay inside and crank the air conditioner days.

  28. I am having the same problem with Husker Red Penstemon. It started with one plant 2 years ago and is now two feet across and more and growing into my iris. I have not tried spraying it with Round Up yet as I don't want to kill everything else. My biggest battle is the nutsedge in two different parts of my flower beds...Round Up isn't touching it and pulling it only spreads it more the experts say.


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