
Thursday, May 26, 2011

More storms, barometric ups and downs......

I am thankful that we haven't had any severe storms in our area, but the barometric changes have me totally worn out.  I have no pep.  I worked on the binding on the crooked cobblestone quilt and have a little more than half hand stitched on the back.  I also quilted some zippered bag pieces in preparation for the bindings, zipper, and assembly. 


  1. Wanda, even on your bad days, you are more productive than many others on their best days!

  2. Yes, I agree that the weather has been totally not springlike, at least around here. But you definitely are productive.

  3. You did Good! Weather is weather...

  4. I sometimes wonder if the barometric pressure is responsible for my headaches. We are so dry here. It rains but not for long.

  5. I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one affected by barometric changes. I've been told so many times that it can't affect you physically. I hope you remain safe.

  6. I can totally sympathize with you! This has been the oddest spring I can remember. Yesterday we had a cold front, replaced by a warm front and thunderstorms and I was worn out from it, not to mention the headache that seems to accompany that kind of barometric swing.

  7. Our weather has finally taken a turn for the better and i am feeling better, but I sure do have a lot of ups and downs.
    I love the black and white borders on your crooked cobblestone too.

  8. I am curious about your zipper bags. I thought you might have them in a link, but I didn't find one. Please share....


  9. We spent time in the basement last night because the tornado sirens went off (fortunately, no damage in town), and by the end of the evening were totally wiped out. This weather stuff really is draining.

  10. You know, Wanda, even your bits and pieces are SO inspiring! Your photos just make me happy, and make me want to do more. Love it!!!

  11. And I thought it was just me! Low pressure? That explains SO much!

    It's supposed to be a nice weekend -- here's to getting our energy back!

  12. I totally understand your barometric problems. I had a headache for the past few days too. But look how productive you still are, even when you are not feeling 'peppy'. I love those zippered bag pieces.
    I have not been able to leave a comment on your blog lately. But I see that google is not questioning my identity this time so I think it will work.

  13. You really do get a lot done even on a bad day. I feel like such a slacker!

    Hope your weather gets back to normal soon.

  14. With the weather being so bad it was a great time to finish up a few projects. I see that you have been busy today also. I have COPD and this weather has taken a toll on my breathing. I am sick of the rain and cold and can't wait for nicer weather without storms. Now it is time to get back to my applique. Have a nice evening.


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