
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

I have been whining about no blooms here yet, so yesterday I took the camera out and recorded the little we have happening here in northern IL.  Brunnera is one of the early bloomers.
A lonely violet resting on a lily leaf.

Pulmonaria/Lungwart just starting to bloom.

Another little Pulmonaria plant.

 My early peonies are getting tall.

Mr. Bluejay turned his back to me as soon as I got the camera.  We had a sunny day yesterday in this month with a record number of cloudy days so I got part of my lawn mowed and picked up branches for pickup the first Monday in May. 


  1. spring is here -- and happy easter to you!

  2. We mowed too. Spring is slow, but at least it isn't 80*F out and needing A/C on Happy Easter.Chris

  3. Happy Easter, Wanda! Looks like spring is coming along there. It rained hard here yesterday, still not many signs of life yet. Good to see spring is popping up in your neck of the woods.

  4. That would make a pretty sad Easter bouquet wouldn't it?

    Across the street from me, I can see the maple leaves struggling to get out....poor things.

    Well, Happy Easter anyway.

  5. I am in between flowers right now and have very few blooming. The iris's are about to open (much later than down in the town)the peonies have buds and the clematis are blooming but not very thick. The roses are all about to open at the same time though on three bushes so that will be pretty.
    Have a good Easter.

  6. Happy Easter, Wanda,jmh

  7. Happy Easter Wanda. I visit you daily but am a lurker these days.

  8. Well, that looks like a pretty good start to me! Anything that blooms after a winter with no color is a blessing, isn't it?

  9. Violets are something that I miss most about not living there anymore. NM has nothing to compare with violets--or at least nothing that I can think of!


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